3 months till retirement, and I don't think I'm going to make it.

I am a 56 year old woman, ready to retire in 3 months.

Many days I don't think I can make it...I feel I can't make that drive one more time, and I feel I can't walk into that place just one more time..I am taking alot of time off because I feel I just can't do it some days.

I am also in transition between homes, have some troubles with my extended family..and..I'm just very, very low.

Any advise would be wonderful..Thank You.

Comments for 3 months till retirement, and I don't think I'm going to make it.

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Encouraging WORDS
by: Anonymous

Thank you; this has been encouraging with 2 months and 28 days. With vacation it will be only 41 workdays.

Notice period
by: Cathy

This is a great website. Retiring at 66 in May. Been with current company 2.5 yrs. Have not informed employer yet.

What is an acceptable notice period. Don’t want to leave them hanging but concerned about retaliation.

Wendy: I always assumed I would give a 30-day notice (after 35+ years of service), but one sunny April day, I went in and gave a two-week notice. That was 14 years ago, shocks me still, but I did!

I can relate
by: Lori of Arizona

I have worked since I was 15-1/2 and am almost 65. I retire in 2 months and 8 days and I can barely stand it.

They keep giving me BIG assignments. Are you kidding me? I have zero interest; however, I have always been very conscientious so I don't want to falter now. Will it ever end?

My husband is already retired and he gets up every day and rides his motorcycle or visits with friends or rides his bike... this does not help my situation at all!!!!!!

Stay Well!
by: Brad/Los Angeles

I too have 3 months before retirement. I am using 4 weeks vacation, 40 hrs Admin, 12 hrs FH and 98 hrs sick to chip away before my actual retirement date. I hope this will make the 3 months go by faster.

I am trying to avoid new projects and assignments. Only a few people and my boss know of my retirement plans.

Hang in there. I think the 3 months will pass.

Stay healthy and focus on wellness.

Wish it would hurry!
by: Carl

One month left. I've trained my replacement well enough that I don't have much to do.

I still have that newer employee mindset of "I'd better be doing something productive or they'll get rid of me"! Guess I should ignore it and enjoy the downtime.

You know, it helps to write this post. I can share what I've been struggling with inside. Thanks you guys!

3 months till retirement
by: Anonymous

My last three months will be busy with budget submissions, performance evaluations, and keeping my desk organized for the next person in succession. It's just time.

Try to think positive and put some plans in place because there no stopping the clock, your time will be here before you know it. Best wishes!

I'm with you!
by: Patrick

I too am 3 (three) months from retirement and I am struggling to make it to work, and to get along with my co-workers. I have been at my job for 24 years, the first 10, I more or less enjoyed the job.

I think we both will be alright if we relax and let time go by, like it always does. So! Let's take a deep breath and go to work tomorrow and put a smile on our faces, and put the best foot forward, and We will Make it!!

The long days before leaving my job
by: Anonymous

I happened upon this message board and was surprised (but relieved) to see I am not alone feeling the few months before retiring are so difficult. Thank you!

3 months till retirement......
by: Alison

The last time I posted, I didn't leave my name..It is Alison....and I finally did retire at the end of February...

The first few weeks were busy helping a friend who had broken his foot...appointments...shopping, etc...He's well now...and I do have things to keep me busy for a lot of the time...kids, grandkids, friends...seems, tho...that this isn't enough for me...

I'm bored a lot of the time...I'm antsy..just want to DO something..have not yet figured out what is I want to do...

Thank You all for sharing your stories...they are a tremendous help, sometimes comic relief, and shows us all that there is support out there for whatever ails you..!!

Three months till retirement and I didn't make it!
by: Anonymous

Retired at 55. The last three months before my retirement felt like an eternity. There were so many changes going on a work that I was not going to be a part of. I was bored stiff and hated the incredibly heavy workload.

All the little things that bothered me and the people that got on my nerves got way worse. As I had used up all my vacation and overtime hours, I went off on sick leave for the last two weeks of my career as a clerical worker.

I was in fact sick from stress and the six months that followed my retirement proved to be stressful too as my face broke out in a nasty rash that my doctor was pretty sure caused by stress.

Listen within and act accordingly.

Oh my.. So glad I found this....
by: Anonymous

I thought I was going nuts!

I'm 57 and a Vice President of a large bank. I have ZERO debt, I'm financially secure and "was" sooo excited to retire as I've worked straight for 41 years and was a workaholic!

So WHY am I SO depressed?!

It's Christmas and I haven't even put up my tree!! I'm bored to death at work! I'm not sure if I can make it another 21 days :(

What the heck!! I feel like I've been brainwashed that my purpose in life was to be a working bee!

And where has life gone!!? Oh my!! I hope this is temporary! :(

Wendy: Been there and Done that. I think this happens to most of the Type A Workaholics... it's a rude awakening when you end work and wonder what's next?

BUT there is much life to live yet! Start a business, take up a new interest, there is much out there still!

Take time, give yourself a break to breathe... we don't know what having time to breathe is even like yet, THEN find yourself.

First time in many years that you can live life on YOUR TERMS. woo hoo!

You WILL make it :-)
by: betsy

You WILL make it! it just seems like its a long ways off. it will go by so fast you won't believe it.

i was sure i would die before i made it out (its been a little over a year since that happy last day!!).

take as much time off as you can afford. i used vacation and sick days to get thru it. it just wasn't worth the cash value to FREEDOM when i weighted it against my mental and physical health!

always when i get close to the end of an awful situation it seems like it gets too brutal to handle. but after all those times, i realized it's been so i won't have ANY reason to change my mind and stay stuck where i am.

its the ultimate life test, like the universe is saying 'here, take just a little bit more so you can see how this is killing you and so you won't forget how badly you want OUT!'

good luck and please don't leave us hanging! let us know when you are finally FREE :-)

3 Months is Just a Wink in Time
by: Imacarbuff

Three months will blow by before you know it.

I retired just 6 months ago-and I'm loving every minute of it!

But, remember when I was at the 3 month to go mark..... after 40 years with the company. The days seemed long, the weeks went slow.

But then...that day came -the last day. The last day went very very quickly! Shaking hands and saying goodbyes to some people I had worked with for decades.

When I walked out the door for the last time I looked back and wondered "where did those 3 months go?"

In fact-that was a fast 40 years.

Enjoy your life each and every day and find something YOU enjoy doing and have at it. You finally have time to do the things you've been wanting to do!

Talk to your employer?
by: James

You did not mention the relationship with the company manager. Talk to him/her about your feelings.

Depending on your years of service, he/she may reduce your hours and/ or days.

Perhaps they could let leave you now with salary and benefits, with the agreement that they call on your cell or landline if they have questions.

Best of luck!

I love this community...
by: Wendy

you guys are simply the BEST... great advice.

Love you all!

Keep on pushing
by: Anonymous

Keep on pushing, you WILL make it... Look how far you have come already...

I am a month away from 62 and will retire December 23rd... Sometimes you just have to wake-up, say good morning to yourself and be your own best friend all day long at 'that place' and before you know it you've done another day...

I always remember the following, "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're probably right"...


by: carol m

i remember feeling like that. As i look back, i see those years as a season of my life and then there is retirement.

Knowing that you are days away from entering another season I pray you hang on , taking it one day at a time.

Set your sights on the joy of waking up each day to a blank sheet of paper and doing that day what is best for you.

God bless you in this journey!

What can you do?
by: Joe W.

I'm not sure what you can do about your family problems, but I think it's better to start thinking about what you CAN do in your potential retirement life, rather than saying you can't do certain things.

So, what are some of the things you CAN do?

Joe W.

New activities to replace existing activities
by: Retd. Prof. Durgeshkumar Srivastava, New Delhi, India

Dear Soon-to-retire Friend,

Retdirement is a life changing event, giving you a lot more spare time every day. Te entire week is now a week end. You must find something to fill your day and the best thing is to find new activities.

Begin by subscribing to additional newspapers. Each new newspaper you subscribe takes from 30 minutes to 60 minutes to read. So, if you subscribe to 4 newspapers you have something to do for at least two hours every day. Add some magazines to your reading list.

If you are not on social media now, become a member of one or two social media sites. You get the opportunity to read new material, write something and share it with others and make new friends. When I needed blood donations before my heart byepass surgery, I put out an appeal on social media and a dozen students came forward and made the requisite blood donation for me. When my desktop computer broke down recently, I felt sort of stress because I could not post on facebook. I posted an appeal and within days a fb friend came to my home and lent his laptop to me. i invite you to be my fb friend by clicking on my fb page URL facebook.com/durgeshkumar.srivastava.9

My uncle and aunt devoted one hour every day after their retirement to make unhurried phone calls to relatives and friends. They earmarked INR 5000 for such phone bills in their monthly budget.

I go to the nearby park twice every day and sit with a group of fellow retirees to gossip. I love sleeping and was sleep deprived most of my working life. Now, I have surplus sleep. ha ha ha

My best wishes to you. DKS, 24 Nov., 2014

Hang in There

You WILL make it...!!!

Been there done that
by: Dean

My wife and I are retired 2 1/2 years now and we were both in a similar situation before we retired.

We were both in high stress jobs and decided to retire early. Even though the end was in sight those last few months weren't easy.

My best advice is to take it one day at a time and then reward yourself at the end of each day.

Comments for 3 months
by: Nancy

I have been retired for 3 years.

My last 3 months were awful too. The lady I was training for my job was awful. I was on stress overload.

You will make it. One day at a time.

If you need to take time off, go ahead and do it. I send you lots of support.

by: arthur c. ford,sr.,poet


arthur c. ford,sr.,poet/editor

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