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Retirement Insider -- Saturday Blessings to you!
March 22, 2013

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Can you believe its almost APRIL? Spring is here, if only the snow would melt away!

I had a horrible week with a sudden tooth abscess. I have a great dentist, take care of my dental health -- and then this sneaks up on me? Yep. One day I'm fine, the next day in pain like crazy. My jaw was so swollen, I looked monster-like! Ugggg! I barely ate for a week after oral surgery (soup, pudding), felt like I had been run over by a truck, and even contemplated a life of pain and what some folks must live with on a daily basis. Luckily, today I can say I am fine again!

Retirement-Online Updates:

Ricardo's blog has been updated. Read his full story, and many thoughtful ideas here. Oodles of his submissions weren't linked to his blog page, I've corrected that... many apologies!

Larry retired so long ago, he can't remember when...

Raja shares his thoughts that two way support and interaction is absolute for retirees.

Robb, retiring after 30 years with the Fed. Govt, writes about: Letting go of my job status.

Nancy from Malaysia shares her retirement story.

Sharyn shares her work, after retirement.

Retirement Online Community

Joanie calls out: "Well over 500 here on retirement site: And well over 100 on Pen how about it guys.... come on in here..and do your stuff... we need to upgrade this group..and get busy gabbing.... just don't sit and read."

Irwin is Grateful.

and so much more going on...

There are 30 groups in the Community now, ranging from the Senior Pen Pal group, Writers, Pet Lovers, Genealogy, Women2Women, Inspiration, Truckers, Arts/Crafts and more. Last chance at free membership....

Retirement Community: Senior Pen Pals

Senior friendships are growing - 550 members in the Community now - Join now. Still free, just not ready to charge yet..but I will at some point because it costs me to run the community. Get in while you can...

To a Fun, Amazing, Wonderful, Friendship-Filled Retirement Journey!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Until Next Week, Wendy, having fun! *´¨)

Retire to the Internet.... like me.

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