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Retirement Online -- December 1, already!?!
December 01, 2012
Please forward this retirement newsletter to your online friends! They'll appreciate your thoughtfulness and I will too! Thank you. If you received this issue from a friend, you can Subscribe here to the Retirement-Online Newsletter!


Just noticed my old header on the newsletter... that's me in the pink jacket, with Pete, my internet friend who passed away in 2008. Pete and I emailed daily (usually twice a day, morning and night) for fifteen years. My parents, Jennie and Chuck, are in the top right corner next to us.

Earlier, I approved a comment by Ricardo about how time flies. It certainly does... December 1, already? Are you kidding me?

Last year, I wrote about "Losing 2011" but I feel better about 2012... thank goodness! I've taken a few classes, always love to keep learning new things, and kept fairly busy with weekly lunches with old friends. Life is good!

Elizabeth from Ga has submitted her retirement story, as she completed the Retirement Story form. Thank you Elizabeth!!

Please help retired firefighter, Michael from CA, on his own Retirement and Empty Nester, at the same time. Send your two cents his way...

Roslyn from Arizona has a health care dilemma. Do you have ideas for her?

Frida from Scandanavia wrote: Marilyn Monroe, Lady Diana and I.

Senior Pen Pals: 245 members now! Just visit my website (top right corner: smiling faces saying Friendship Here!) and click to register. It's pretty cool, you can write a general note to everyone there, or you can search for pen pals in the member section, upload a photo or two, or join a group and chat on a specific topic. Please join us!

To a Fun, Amazing, Wonderful Friendship-Filled Retirement Journey!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Until Next Week, Wendy, having fun! *´¨)

Retire to the Internet.... like me.

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