3 years retired and caught the retirement blahs
by Carol
I'm 71. I can go to the gym everyday, all day long if I want to. Trouble is I don't want to do anything. Volunteer; been there, done it. paid work, forget it. grandchildren are in school, did cruises, like them but don't have money to do more than one a year. Don't like sitting home, sleep problems. Health is fine. I have the retirement blahs.
Who else has been here in blah-land and found a path out of it?
Eight years ago I got off the addiction of wine; last year I got myself off depression meds because I felt like a plastic zombie most of the itme.
Last month I smoked the last cigarette and now I am into 40 some days withdrawal. A few days ago I sobbed, cried, but sobbed for 72 hours. I think it is the withdrawal from cigarettes.
I have not been able to find a therapist to help me. Do not want to go back onto depression meds.
Any thoughts, because my thoughts seem to be in a jumble.