5 months in
by Ira
(New Jersey)
I thought the volunteering would come easier meaning faster. I have just begun to get a bit more involved in two organizations but the process Is slow and I am getting down on myself again. I was doing ok for a bit.
I found it necessary to retire from my field because of stress/anxiety issues. I just couldn't and didn't want to do it anymore after 30 years in public accounting- business and corporate taxation department. No desire or motivation to look PT or per diem in the field.
I feel that I am putting pressure on myself to "do something" but completely feel at a loss what that is. I go to the gym everyday and read intermixed with a volunteer meeting here and there but feel there is alot of pieces missing to fill up my day.
I may have to decide to find some lower level part time job to keep busy but don't know doing what.
Have gotten more down on myself because I feel kind of mentally trapped with indecision.
Need some guidance from those that have been through it or just have different perspective.
I am 63 now...