6th Year Retirement
by Al B from NY
I have found the key to happiness in retirement rests with your ability to find things to do that have meaning in your life. I plan my day with activities that contribute my feeling of accomplishment.
During a typical week, I volunteer in my community with the Food Bank, pick up and deliver used furniture for needy families, offer free musical lessons at the Community Center, plan and grow a vegetable garden, fish the local ponds/ lakes in my small boat, raise chickens and a pig, read great mystery novels and sometimes just hang out and have some beers and a BBQ.
And fixing things around the house also adds to the week of 'things to do'.
I was married and experienced the incessant nagging and complaining about everything and everyone. That's emotional abuse and no man or woman should have to put up with that.
24/7 with someone is a recipe for disaster. Find some outlets or expect a retirement filled with disappointments and unhappiness!