80 yrs old. Collecting my s.s.

by Ronald

80 yrs old,,retired, collecting s.s. went back to work 5 yrs ago in a diff job. Can that raise my s.s. because I am paying into s s.?

Comments for 80 yrs old. Collecting my s.s.

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Social security recalculation
by: Anonymous

Even if you are making a lot, to then become one of your top 35 years of earning, causing a new SS calculation, it won't change your monthly ss by more than a dollar or so...if even that.

Age 70 and working
by: Wendy, www.retirement-online.com

Here is a Social Security and Work pamphlet (online) where you can read/print your answers from.


Here is part of what it says:

"Each year we review the records
for all Social Security recipients who
work. If your latest year of earnings
turns out to be one of your highest
years, we refigure your benefit and
pay you any increase due. This is an
automatic process, and benefits are paid
in December of the following year.
example, in December 2018, you should
get an increase for your 2017 earnings
if those earnings raised your benefit.
The increase would be retroactive to
January 2018."

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