A different WORLD
by Ricardo
The year was 2020. As I walked around. Everywhere that I looked people were "masked."
It came to mind some of the old segments on the Twilight Zone television, some of them were rather unusual and made you think, could this really happen, yet, here we are living in a period of time where no one knows what the future will hold, of course, we never did!
But now, with the virus, the discontent in the streets and with our political leaders, VERY uncertain, frightening times. These are times that most all of us have never lived thru before and hopefully will never have to again!
They are times of question, fear, contemplation, and longing for peace and harmony, of times gone by and memories of "The way it was."
We miss those positive times that most all took for granted, which for now, are gone and perhaps not returning in quite the same manner.
We shall see how This all plays out and how the history books will write of these times of peril and didcontent...are we redefining the word normalcy?
As I look around at these masked individuals... expressionless, I wonder what is going thru there minds. A picture is worth a thousand words.
This virus has cheated us, the world of so many precious things, let us not ever again take them for granted!
Stay safe and appreciative of what you have, it may be lost tomorrow!