Aging: Its almost over...
by Betty
( Phoenix, Arizona )
Where have the years gone? My 80th birthday will come to pass in September of 2017. But I'm living the 80th year NOW. It began last September. It will be completed this coming September and if I am still here , on September 22 the 81st year will begin.
I find that embarrassing moments and events that occurred in the past keep popping into my mind and again I feel shame for those moments and hate myself for them. I have always been one of these people with an unlikeable self.. and I still do not understand why. Childhood was isolated and there was little opportunity for social education. I wanted SO much to have friends but nobody liked me in any school or in any grade. I wasn't homely and I didn't smell bad. My family was negative, depressed, felt hopeless and was unhappy. My personality carried all those feelings.
I can't do anything about those unpleasant situations in the past so I remind myself that I control my mind and thoughts. Steer clear of those memories and look to the future and enjoy what IS, and leave alone what Was. People's memories of times past are not reality because our inner "climate" colors those memories. Its like the story of the blind men and the elephant. Somewhat true but not completely.
Thankfulness for the ability to exercise and to find beautiful moments in each passing day has become my mantra. Each person's reality is specific unto that person , which is a gift. It would be sad if everyone's perception was identical.