by Theresa
(New Jersey)
I have made everyone sick to death listening to me about my concerns about retiring...I am 65..there I said all decisions rest on me...
I have worked in nursing for more years than I like to think about..everything is starting to ache...but mostly one of my feet and my other its difficult to stand all day and walk and do my job without my thinking that I am further damaging my body...
There are no part time positions in my office..believe me I have written the letters and asked my manager...So ..I either continue to stay on my feet and possibly further injure myself or retire and ????......
I can get Medicare and pay for supplimentals (another dizzying concern, which one to choose?) but because I worked half the year, I have to pay back Social Security if I retire even at this mid year mark..I will reduce my Social Security benefit even if I retire in December! So I am told..I wish I had answers...
I feel stuck and anxious and afraid to make a decision..of course, what will I do with myself after working all my life?
Wendy: Make an appointment with Social Security -- talk. Ask questions (write them down before you go, don't get distracted and forget some). Get those answers so you can wipe one concern off your list.
Then look into Medicare next month, that means you understand your options in two areas. Right?
Finally -- what will yuo do? Only you can answer that. Start day dreaming about what you mgiht like to do. Do you read? Is there a library nearby? Do you know what it costs to do a matinee movie? Would you visit the senior center? Join a club? Friends to do lunch with?
Lots of options... just need to take SOME action, little by little. There is no rush.