April 14th, 2021: Reflecting on 11 years of retirement

by Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

April 2010, I retired after 30+ years of County government service. I was dedicated to my employer and spent most of my waking hours on retirement issues. I never had kids, despite being married since 1980.

So, post-retirement, you are forgotten. There is no office gossip because you are no longer involved...it takes too long to bring you up to speed when you don't experience the daily atmosphere at work. Nobody calls to ask you how to do something, what the policy is -- they make their own rules and carry on. Right?

When I retired, my husband was still employed. My sister and her husband both remained employed. Only my parents were around to go out with me. So we shopped, visited doctors, and basically, I became the daily companion. In my off time, I worked on this website. It gave me purpose and continues to do so.

I wrote this post: One day before Retirement. I was surprised to find it today -- mostly that I wrote about the flowering trees! I still love those flowering trees!

Springtime is my review time -- maybe my renewal time! Then and Now!

Today, the world is faced with COVID. We no longer run out to stores just because... nothing else to do. We rarely dine in. We don't visit with family or friends. It's a ruthless world to live in, always worried and waiting. I've taken both vaccines now, but that doesn't guarantee I won't get COVID and doesn't guarantee I won't pass it on to someone. Michigan, April 2021, where I reside, is the worst state in the USA for COVID, seriously? Many people are no longer kind... social media out of control, and news stations seriously filter what we are shown.

I am personally comfortable in retirement. My daily routines are in place, yet I constantly challenge my mindset to change and live my best lifestyle.

I pray you are too! If you are not, write to me: Contact Wendy! Let me know what's happening in your life. Maybe, just maybe, I can put your issue into a different perspective or have an idea to help you move forward.

I want to end this post with a plea to all retirees:

Please be kind to each other. We all need more kindness in this crazy world!

Comments for April 14th, 2021: Reflecting on 11 years of retirement

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Constantly Challenge Your Mindset
by: Bernard Kelly - Geelong

Hello Wendy

if you want to constantly challenge your mindset to change and live your best lifestyle, here are some options to escape from boredom:

 seek friendship,
 volunteer at sports events
 deliver a lecture series,
 go community gardening
 form a $2 travel club,
 organise home renovations for seniors,
 develop a maintra "I'm maintaining a
zest for living"
 participate in mental health education,
 focus on Lifelong Learning,
 take non-credit short courses,
 join a coffee catchup and discuss
practical philosophy
 go on study trips,
 co-ordinate special events for adults
aged 60+
 invite your neighbours to open house
 start an online newsletter – "Tell Us
Your Story"


Bernard Kelly MBA

Wendy: Bernard, You are killing me here! LOOK at what I've done with this site! :) Seriously? :)
I also wonder what Planet you are On! You recently asked for advice on your new position but seem to want to do it all face-to-face. Many of your suggestions here are face-to-face.
I realize that Australia has really overcome COVID better than most countries -- but do you know what most of us are dealing with? WOW. Do you realize Australia could go bad overnight like other countries?
p.s. And YES, I just asked everyone to be kind and look at me here! :)

Great List BUT...
by: Bob E/Oklahoma

I think this is a great list of ideas BUT we have to remain conscious (and cautious) with respect to the Covid virus (and a lot of other viruses, etc).

Covid will never be completely gone and will become something like the annual flu so we need to keep our guard up BUT we must live and not isolate from fellow humans. If we do, that's as dangerous as the virus itself.

Do I Live On Another Planet?
by: Anonymous

Wow...I couldn't believe all the face-to-face and crowd-oriented activities you were suggesting retirees do to enrich their lives.

We all know these things will help but for more than a year now and well into the foreseeable future a lot of is can't go anywhere or do anything.

This just depressed me to read because it drove home just how much of "living" I have lost and continue to lose.

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