Battling Boredom

by Mark

Hi Wendy!

Boredom is tough; I've been retired for 11 years and finding meaningful ways to fill my days, as Steve Miller sang, keeps gettin' tougher every day. So here are two ideas for you:

1) Find a friend who shares a passion for helping to end childhood hunger and start a local 'Meals 'Til Monday chapter.

2) Start a 'Family Journal' to document as many memories of your family as you can remember. It's never too late for that.

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Family Journal
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

Hey Mark!

Good to hear from you, and happy to see you out there!

I love the second suggestion... and I kinda do that differently.

I LOVE -- I am working on family trees and pay for the international membership there.

My fathers side was easy -- English/Scottish and I traced them and many stories back...

However my mothers parents both immigrated from Poland/Ukraine as young teens, met and married in Canada, and immigrated to the U.S. in the 50s.
I can't find anything other than their parents names on a wedding certificate from Canada.

BUT -- the plot thickens! I did DNA tests for Mom, and I'm tracing her backwards -- from DNA-related people.

I KNOW, scientifically, they are related to us, right? So I am starting with them and HOPE to fit in my grandparents at some point. So far, no luck, but I will do this!

Finally, I have wanted to write my family stories, small histories that make a bigger story. Sometimes I find these gems on Ancestry, someone wrote about Grandma or whomever in their family and they write about some aspect of their life, personality, whatever! LOVE THAT!

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