Bored? Why? - Boredom is a mindset

by Gail

Hello, I am 75 and have been retired for 2 years.

During those two years, COVID became the center focus of our society and isolation, in varying degrees, has become the norm, especially for seniors. I routinely scan the posts in this blog.

Unfortunately, it seems that there are more discouraging posts and fewer inspiring ones. The idea of changing mindset is welcoming.

It is my impression that boredom is a mindset - and a choice. We live in a time when we have many choices, many opportunities to learn and contribute, but we can’t just sit in our homes and watch tv or play computer games, and hope to grow.

We do get to decide what we get to do each day.

  • Who can you inspire, comfort, befriend?
  • Can you write a note of thanks to someone everyday?
  • Can you worship, pray, journal, meditate?
  • Can you read, join a book club, exercise, follow Silver Sneakers online?
  • Can you paint a room, or a picture, walk your dog or a neighbor’s dog, plant a garden, or a container?
  • Write your life story, write a poem or a limerick, plan a trip?
  • Take an online class, make a meal for a friend?

    We each have opportunities if we look for them!

    Why settle for boredom?

  • Comments for Bored? Why? - Boredom is a mindset

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    Vote of thanks
    by: Ruth

    Thank you for that message, boredom is a result of being inactive.

    If you are not involved in anything, you feel weak, disgusted, and deserted and because of that, you start hating yourself.

    The end result of this is sickness.

    Let's be creative and keep ourselves busy.

    Wendy: Yes, Yes, Ruth. You nailed it.

    Just retired from years of working as a family therapist
    by: Linda/FL

    Hi Wendy and other readers,

    I have been following this blog for sometime now. I retired 8 months ago and of course COVID is a factor for how all of us are living right now.

    I have given myself a year to rest and regroup. I have NOT been bored. I am an introvert and being at home with my interests has not been difficult.

    My husband has been retired four years, so he has already adjusted to a new routine. Developing a routine and some structure helps me to have a rhythm to my day.

    I read, journal, pray, meditate, exercise, and have time for movies. I do some household chores but few. I have time to chat on the phone with close friends and I text others. I enjoy tracking the weather in different parts of the country.

    Life is rich. I too, am a life-long learner and I have a few groups that I meet up with on Zoom on a monthly basis.

    I'd love to hear more about how you and others are bored.

    Valentine's Day is coming
    by: Carol from West Chester

    I live alone and I do feel lonely on Valentine's Day. My grown kids and gkids are great and do make me feel special and loved all year long.

    Example, last November my grown kids flew me to an ocean front condo (16th floor with balcony while they drove 10 hours to join me for a mini vacation). I send the gkids hand made cards because I enjoy making cards.

    But I need something to make me feel special - something that I do for myself and myself only. That might be selfish but I am 78 years old.

    How do you handle the mindset of Feb 14th, a day of love for couples. Do you treat yourself to something special? What makes you happy?

    Thank you for sharing!!
    by: Nancy

    I try every day to do what you suggested.

    Things are different in the world than when we grew up.

    Sometimes I feel like a dinosaur. But I still enjoy making projects however simple.

    I’m glad you shared. It makes a difference!!

    Boredom is also a symptom
    by: Anonymous

    Boredom can also be a symptom of mental illness, and personality disorders. People don't choose to have cancer, and people don't choose to have mental illness.

    It is easy to give advice to people, but sounds judgmental. The problem with being judgmental is you don't have the whole story.

    I had a problem with emptiness and boredom when I first retired, and this was a symptom of a past mental health issue which resurfaced in retirement.

    It would be more helpful if people said this is what I did to alleviate boredom instead of telling others what to do.

    Gail, KUDOS!
    by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

    What a fabulous response to my email!


    Yes, why oh why be bored? Use this bonus time in life to thrive instead -- in so many ways!

    My weekly Mindset emails are going to wake me up and make me think again. I pray I can wake up and shake up some retiree minds too! Your post here has done just that for me.

    Boredom IS a mindset, indeed!

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