Brother Bon: Starting a new venture

by Brother Boniface
(Bavaria, Germany)

A dear friend of mine recently proposed the idea of starting a reflective page for persons of retirement age.

Since I am of the same age and going on happily, I am happy to oblige since I feel like her that this particular time in life can be a time of growth, of sharing interests, asking questions about life and growing old gracefully.

My Blog "Monks do not retire" tells you a bit about me and my understanding of life as I am living it now at my tender age of 73.

My life has not been hassle free. I was born just before WWII began, lived to know some of the troubled times that Germany went through and my family had to flee from the advancing Russian troops in July of 1944. In May of 1945 we were back in my home town Berlin.

Life is a never ending surprise to me. Yet very strongly have I felt the guiding hand from above which has been with me all through the troubled times, also throughout all my travels in the US and East Africa and Europe as well.

I give credit to Almighty God for having called me into religious life and for having stood by me for the over 50 years of service I was able to give my Order, the Benedictines.

This year I celebrate my Golden Jubilee as a monk and I am telling everyone that God is good.

Wendy: Wow, Brother Bon, I didn't know this was your Golden Jubilee year! I am so honored to have your retirement wisdom on my site! Thank you and Congratulations! God IS Good!

Comments for Brother Bon: Starting a new venture

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Aug 20, 2011
by: Anonymous

Even thou a young sixty, I find life very lonely at this time on my own. Its not easy to make friends, many churches are very friendly when your come, but if you do not attend for awhile you will never hear from anyone, the kindest person so far as been a lady that does not attend church.

Anyway I have what they call here in Australia Install Christian tv installed, I get alot off Christian teaching that way, and its very encourageing and builds ones Faith.

I do not drive so I am a bit confined but I still can walk when the weathers not too hot or catch a cab, buses in a small town are not good.

However I very happy to have my little place and pension and that sense off independence to make my purchases without anyone controlling the money.

Its a Blessing and I having lived years without much sure do appreciate what I have. But a nice friend would be nice, that would check on you or call.

Jun 02, 2011
God is Great
by: om

GOD IS GREAT and Brother Bon is good as he is celeberating Golden Jubalee.

Congratulations and wish you long and happy active Life.


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