Busy, busy, busy! Where has the time gone?

by Irwin Lengel
(Lakeland, FL USA)

Where has the time gone?

Hey there fellow bloggers! Where has February gone? We are now into March!

The fact that we have been so busy since the last week of January, (Evening in Paris), is but one reason the time has flown by. On February 3rd we performed (Cypress Lakes Rockettes and one Rocker) at the Florida Presbyterian Apartments in downtown Lakeland and the evening was a huge success. Since then we have been practicing our line dancing routines five days a week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays with the Rockettes and Tuesdays and Fridays with our group here at the park).

In addition, Dolly and I hosted our Annual Valentine dance and a few days later hosted an event called Beacon Terrace Casino Night here at the park. This is a Lions Club charity night and all those in attendance had a great time.

We also assisted several other couples with an event (actually a two night event) called Poverty Night (a night of make-believe horse racing including a full pork barbeque dinner. As a matter-of-fact I don’t believe we had a free weekend the whole month of February.

The one thing I didn’t expect to happen during the month of February, however, was my becoming sick. Fortunately it wasn’t anything serious – just bad enough to slow me down a bit. While the doctor called it a slight case of Bronchitis, I personally feel it is a case of allergies (something must be blooming that is affecting my sinuses). The good news though is that it is during times like these that one realizes just how great it is to have come as far as we have (age-wise) without any truly serious debilitating illnesses.

We, (Dolly and I) are still in the best of health (as evidenced by our line-dancing five days a week in addition to all the functions we are either attending or hosting) and still look forward to a busy year (we still have ten months left in 2012) of travel.

Hopefully I will be able to land some teaching assignments later in the year (next semester starts in April) and I am about to embark on yet another interesting adventure – that of contract authoring. Assuming all these plans come true, I should have more to write about in upcoming months.

March is looking to be as busy as February was. Yesterday we went to a luncheon followed by a movie entitled “Empire of the Sun”. Actually a member of our line dancing group was in a concentration camp similar to the one shown in the film and she could relate to the movie and shared some insights with us about her experiences.

Today we are off to a Seafood Festival in Southeast Florida. Next week is our annual bazaar, plus we have another dancing gig coming up on March 15.

Adding to all our fun activities in March, I must read, and edit two articles to be passed on to my editor for insertion in our upcoming professional publication entitled “CPCU Retirement Resource Interest Group Newsletter”.

Later in the month Dolly and I are hosting Talent Night (a night reserved for those residents that want to contribute their talent in a show). We have comedians, dancers, and a couple of singers to add to the festivities. And more traveling is in the picture when we travel to attend our granddaughters wedding later in the month.

Remember, now that you are retired, You make the rules for each and every day. So, have fun, life is too short. With that I will sign out and hope that each and every one of you are living life to the fullest. Stay well and be happy.

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