Cataract surgery caused problem

by natasha

regarding cataracts,

I had cataract surgery on my left eye, correcting for distance. Little did I know that doing so would completely also result in my not being able to see anything at all up close with that left eye.

Prior to the surgery, in my left eye, I could read a book without glasses if I held it about 6 inches from my nose. Now all I see is a big blur, like vaseline.

It is very distressing. I just want to share this so others are aware.

Comments for Cataract surgery caused problem

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Not all surgeries are successful
by: Bruce Hackert

My cataract surgery was not successful.. if you read the informed consent form you must sign before surgery it is nothing short of terrifyingly.

Same here
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

I never expected to not see well close up, as I always had,... just imagine it to be sharper.

I got the opposite, long distance vision is great (but I don't care about that). Short distance, right beyond my nose, isn't good at all.

BUT it will be with glasses!

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