Chirpy the Retiree
by Julie Grenness
I woke up, thanks to the universe!
I adorn myself with lucky undies, and look forward to a top day. I have retired totally, and can call myself “Chirpy the Retiree!” So far, so good, my family and friends are doing okay. We all hope to be dodging those germ emojis floating around in society, as well as any life-threatening health condition along the way.
On with the show! It is a lovely morning, listening to birdsong in a flower garden. I plan to demolish some weeds, give them a blast. Then I can scribble some more epic literature, and make some more handcrafts as donations. Hands are for charity.
But first I must meditate on breathing, to accentuate all the positives. This is a daily essential. Today, there are no biggies, no issues. Breathing is vital for all of us retirees. I am into Code Calm, there is no need to look for problems. I have a brain of ideas for my senior projects, and a pile of books by a favourite funny author.
Laughter is good for the immune system! Like my friends in our retirement years, there are not enough hours in the day!
Never mind, the sun will rise anyway. The statistics show that ten from ten of us all shall wind up in the back of black limousine. So seize each day, enjoy retirement and let the future take care of itself.
Having said all that, it is time to prepare my healthy nutritious plant-based meals. I look at my cooking efforts, thinking, “This just ain’t profiteroles!” (cream puff) I must not take this personally. More never mind. If we all enjoy profiteroles, we retirees can end up fatter than the Hindenburg ,and morbidly obese. That is not good in our retirement years. On the flip side, most of my doctors have passed over of health and wellbeing. Bit of a puzzle, that is what being old means.
These are our golden days, I hope all the retirees are doing okay.
I can say that I wake up as “Chirpy the Retiree”, with bells on. It surely does work for me.
I hope we can all put on our glad pants in our retirement, so we can keep on keeping on.