
by Ricardo

Well,for those that are following Ricardo's "big move", this is an update as we get closer to closing on our new house.

We will be closing this next Thursday, and taking possession on Saint Patties Day!

As I look around, there are boxes everywhere that my wife has been packing....I try to stay out of her way....she has become a bit "cranky" of late. When I try to help, I usually just get in the way. I guess there is a "method" to her packing.....and I am not following the "tune!"

I have decided that I do not like packing, nor a house that is upside down, so to speak. I am one for order...a place for everything and everything in it's place, and that IS NOT what I am surrounded with of late!

My feelings are a bit similar to when I retired about one year ago....a new location, different house, new surroundings, new friends perhaps....all this "new stuff" to deal with is a bit disheartening for yours truly. I do not adjust to change very well....I already knew that, and this move is REALLY putting me to the TEST!

Oh well, it is what it is. I still have to deal with movers, painters, carpenters,lawyers, brokers, utility people, changes of name it....I am beginning to feel overwhelmed by all of this.

Then of course, when we put our current house on the market...we'll do it all again, but at least we will be somewhat settled in at our new location!

A shout out to "Irwin" who blogs on this site. He indicated that he and his wife have moved a number of times....God Bless you Irwin....moving is not enjoyed by Ricardo.

I will try for another update in the near future....maybe not until I get "hooked up" at our new "digs!"

For now, back to packing and trying to stay out of my wifes ain't easy!!!

Wendy: Interesting watching this as it happens (from afar)... Honestly cannot even IMAGINE moving. Just too much work involved. Keep up the good work, Rikk -- staying out of wifey's way, that is. GRIN!

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by: Irwin

Hi Ricardo:

Regarding our moving so many times, I just take it with a grain of salt. We usually move every three years or so but we have been in our current digs for over 5 or 6 years now.

But, hey that is life. We just roll with the punches. Moving is just one more adventure to us in this journey called "Life!"

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