COVID 19 / 2021 / Reflections 1
by matt i
Interesting to see phase 2 of COVID 19, which is the logistics of vaccine distribution to the USA and other countries.
Just a week or so the freight companies were sending messages of gridlock and surcharges on holiday gifts (is a gift a placebo vaccine ? ) Something doesn't feel right about gift frenzy during the pandemic ?
On another note I observed a young man flying a kite--yes in the winter. He had 2 strings and was zig zagging the kite back and forth trying to catch the right air current. A recent retiree nearby was flying kits each on their own string high in air and graceful. I said gosh what a great peaceful hobby !.
He said he suffered from computer neck arthritis and doctor suggested to find someway to look up and use the higher up neck muscles. Wonderfully he said it cured his pain.
Perhaps the retirees and reflectors consider looking up more frequently of being alive , sheltered and fed instead of looking down and out.