Day three!
by Lindy
Have been an RN in nursing since 1971. Last 18 years as a university student health center care coordinator, which had become my identity until it was obvious all nurses were ultimately being forced out.
Good to know there IS more to life and that this is a season. Was fortunate enough to jump on to social security and Medicare.
Am so very tired. But not depressed. Plan to take some time to circle the wagons and regroup and breathe!
When do nurses ever do that!
Have many things I can do and no hurry needed! Taking time to enjoy the 2nd cup of coffee and small joy's I've missed along the way!
If it was meant for harm it is nothing but good! I know I am much more than just one part. And it's all good!
Who knew that being outside and raking leaves could be so awesome!
Being an overcomer is a choice! And the choice is mine!!!