Define Retirement
by Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach
A Facebook group was asked to define Retirement in a few words.
As you browse the list, you will see many retirement definitions that you will agree with -- and others that you do not. That's clearly because we are all living different retirements - free to do what we choose to do and when we choose to do it.
I am posting this because if you are UNhappy about retirement, maybe you haven't quite considered all the freedoms you DO have.
Contemplate your retired life and be full of Gratitude every single day for all the little things you now have.
You are so blessed -- whether you acknowledge that or not.
Life is a choice. Happiness is a choice too.
Retirement Defined:
Freedom to choose
No time schedule
Not submitting leave slip for approval!
No time schedule
Not setting an alarm
No jerk boss.
Safe and secure.
Every day is a Saturday.
Health and happiness
Health and freedom
Debt free
Living life under your terms
No Stress
Totally chill
Healthy Happiness
Stress free! 24 hours a day that I get to decide how they are used.
Engaging days of puttering about interspersed with tons of foreign and domestic travel (well, you know, the latter not during the pandemic)
A good retirement is one with no regrets.
Worry free
love is
Healthy and happy... and minutes from the beach!
No alarm clock, no rushing in the morning!!!!!!
Six Saturdays and a Sunday!
Freedom Peace
Ebikes, Boat in the Harbor, gardening, cooking, never go anywhere on the weekend.
Using your own pot during the day!
Worry free & travel
Learning growing
No boss ....
Peace & tranquility
Well-planned and fulfilling
purpose and fulfillment
Eating cake for breakfast.
Well planned has led to: No Regrets
Meaningful life, financially stable.
You're retired! (I'm 59 and not yet)
Freedom, prosperity.
Inner peace, joy
Do nothing all day or work my 6 off all day.....or anywhere in between. MY CHOICE!
Family, Travel, Happiness, Freedom
Healthy, wealthy and well traveled
Living Large!
Be your own boss!
Everyday is a leisure day
I have time.....
Not setting an alarm clock is great. Staying up later and sleeping in.
No bosses, No commitment
Travel Memories
Roll over and go to sleep
Peace and quiet
No rush in doing anything!
Sedate, beautiful, low key, healthy, engaged
Less stress
Not getting up at 5:00am every week day!
No schedule except the one I create
Pajamas and no pressure.
Never having to leave your dog!
Walk out the door to the beach
Coffee in my bathrobe..on the front porch looking at the mountains
Time to do things and not have to worry about having to go to work
Freedom to be!
Freedom of time
Keep making a difference
Every day is a Saturday
Freedom, time and no stress
Time to do what's important!
Relax, relax, relax
More time with family and friends and doing what I enjoy.
Cold beer!
Healthy and stressfree!
My time
You are your own boss.
Travel and no worries.
No more alarm clocks, so you can set your own wake up time!
Take a nap
Butt on beach!!
Whatever you like!
Low stress..
Got more ways to define Retirement? Add them below! I'd love to see what YOU have to say!