Depression and Retirement Resources

These are depression and retirement resources for you. I have targeted good articles to help you... 

It only takes one thought to "cha-ching" in your brain, that "Ah-Ha" moment, as Oprah calls it... and you get that moment when suddenly retirement and depression issues make sense, and you can move into retirement a little happier.

Don't miss these pages for specific help on:

Anxiety and Depression BEFORE Retirement

Anxiety and Depression AFTER Retirement

Don't miss all the personal stories from retirees (listed at the bottom of the pages) who are experiencing this same feeling...  You are not ALONE! 

Retirement is a huge lifestyle change, but you CAN live a fulfilled life after retirement -- you simply need to figure out what you, as an individual, needs to be happy in retirement!

I wrote a Kindle book on Retirement Anxiety, Stress, and Depression as you can see below... it helps retirees to know they are not Alone. There are so many affected, but we don't talk about it. The Anxiety/Depression book simply links to many of the submissions on this site, so you can see this is a common issue, it's not just you. That knowledge makes a world of difference to many! 

My Kindle Books on

This is my Amazon Author Page link. 

Retirement and Depression Links

Forbes has a great article on How to Beat the Retirement Blues... click on the "continue" at top right. 

The American Psychological Assn offers Retiring Minds Want to Know... their advice is "Tend to your psychological portfolio as much as your financial one, researchers say."  Yep - they get it!

Dr. Mercola, known for his natural health site, says: Retirement Boosts Your Risk of Depression by 40 Percent

Next Avenue shares How to Avoid Living Unhappily Ever After Retirement 

Married and Retired

You've been married for years...  why does  your marriage in retirement change?  Everything changes! Read some of the real-life stories readers have left here. 

Huffington Post shares How Retirement Can Hurt Your Marriage (And What You Can Do About It)

Marriage Builders share their thoughts on retirement.

Ladies, common sense stuff but it just might help to make retirement work for both of you.... just think about it a bit. If you can't send him back to work, here are some ideas for you to help him into retirement.

Stay in Touch & Learn!

I pray this page helps you find some hint of the idea that it's NOT just you. That, in itself, helps! You aren't going crazy. Retirement is a tough transition. 

Retirement is a difficult phase of life to adjust to -- but you CAN do it! Please register for my newsletter below. Read the new posts from retirees and learn how to cope with this crazy time of  life, the retirement transition.

Wishing you the very best!