Depression in retirement
by Paula
Please comment below and help Paula past this! Thanks! Wendy
I had a job that was fast, furious and lifesaving.
I was a Adult Protective Service worker. Peoples lives lay in my hands more often than I would like to remember. Even with arthritis on every joint bone to bone I kept on going.
I reached 62, My father left me a little money. Enough to pay all the bills... Boom I retired.
I hurt constantly. I need 1 hips and 2 knees and both feet. I can not do anything pleasurable.
I have ridden horses all my life that and my dogs were my tranqulizer. I can not even get on my horse. I have no way to relax.
I show and train big dogs Rottweilers. I can not even work my dogs.
On top of all that I have a special need grandson.
The last antidepressants I was given make me mean... ha heck.
Is there any one out there going through what I am ?
I hate my life.... Paula