Disability Retirement: MS - Surrendering

by Jim, Kentucky

I am 55 years old and have been dealing with MS for 17 years. I have had the disease for at least 21 years.

I am still working, but I will not be working past this year whether, through early retirement or disability retirement. I am applying for disability retirement, but I have no idea how that will go.

I have always put my best effort into everything and I don't ask for help, but MS has worn me down. I have made the decision that I am surrendering this year.

I know that unless I quit working my health will continue to get worse. When working I don't have the time or energy to deal with things. I have sought out organizations that are supposed to help, but not comfortable with them so far.

I have considered hiring an attorney that specializes in disability claims, but have not decided. The one takeaway for me going through the disability process and dealing with MS, in general, is you must be prepared to be emotionally violated if you are a person that does not share information about your health easily.

I am one of those people and telling people how I feel and what is wrong is not something I do well.

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MS - Surrendering
by: GJ, NY


I agree with Wendy's response to your concerns.
Don't be proud, you paid into the system all your working years and giving your medical history will not effect you in any way.

I became legally blind at 58 which made my work responsibilities unsafe. Along with other health issues I applied for SSD and was first denied. Everyone I spoke to said the agency denies most people the first time because they know its a 1-2 year wait. I hired an attorney and it was the best thing I did. Well worth the small percentage they get if you are approved which I was.

Remember you would also be eligible for medical insurance from Medicare or Medicaid.

Good Luck.

by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

Jim, Just do it -- for YOU!

I would BET you'll get SS Disability relatively easily. You showed you worked as long as you can, you are 55 (not a really early disability). In fact, assuming they approve it, you are only getting it seven years early... so you are an easy approval as long as you have the medical documents they require.

Wait -- Remember, applying seven years early but you will get close to the full retirement age amount (not the reduced age 62 amount) as a Disability.

Give yourself a break, hire an attorney if you really need to, but get one that is no cost and the fee comes out of the win. You get back pay from Social Security and their fee comes from that.

Now the REAL CHALLENGE: What will you do Every Day to keep yourself active so the MS doesn't progress quicker? Consider what you will do -- what interest or hobby can you become involved in? You can't retire to the easy chair, that's not good for you!

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