by Anonymous
Do you find congratulations on retirement ironic? Endure because if corrected, a well intended lecture to alleviate your misinformed perception begins?
My story: Health forced retirement from dearly loved job. Recuperated, but once retired that's it. Husband retired. Tolerate marriage as a divorce he opposes would likely alter assistance for autistic son. Plus, retired folks inherit the essential task to provide health care assistance for one another.
Maxed out on anti-depressant, lengthy personal and group therapy. No revelations. Practiced and taught much in my profession. Miss ethics of work peers group purpose, and daily structure.
Confession: Avoided retired people hungry for long conversations. Look who I've become.
Depression prevents me from contacting friends.
I do nothing so feel like a nothing. What news of interest can I possibly share?
Famous for even keel temperament now find intense rage released on objects, and struggle to maintain patience with son.
Great example for: money does not buy happiness. Difficult for many on its pursuit to comprehend.
Volunteered till virus. Husband ill so can't be exposed.
Inconceivable to adopt others view of retirement as an aspired cherished time. More like any opportunity to escape it's limits is a go.
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