
by Ruth
(Texas )

We have decided to sell the house my husband inherited, and we live in currently. We plan to move to an independent senior center about 5 miles away.

Pluses: no more yard work
No more homeowner angst
Fewer possessions
Social activities
Keep current friends
Easier to pick up and travel whenever we like without worrying about the care of the empty house.

Minuses: selling the house
Managing expectations

We are going to buy all new furniture that will be ours and not preowned. Should be fun.

Comments for Downsizing

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Downsizing has benefits
by: Tammie/Florida

This gives you a chance to not I only get rid of items not needed and to make a couple $, but also to take away the burden off children or friends to have to go through your stuff.

Trust me, your treasures are others junk. I ended up taking pics of things I thought I would miss. Less is better.

Enjoy the next chapter!

Wendy: Taking a photo of something is a great idea! Grandma's piano is going... but I can photo it to remember her sitting there playing Christmas songs we all sang to after dinner.

AND yes, the newer generations want no clutter. They don't want our wall hangings, china, collectibles... do with it what you want to do while we've got the chance.

Downsizing Again
by: Anonymous

Your newsletter today is what prompted me to make this post.

I think downsizing is important to find what is most important.

This will be our fourth downsizing, which includes lots of inherited but not cherished items.

We are trying to be mindful of a siblings feelings and of our children who basically do not want "stuff."

This will make our estate so much easier for our children to manage.

We are only in our early 70s, and doing this while if sound mind is important to us.

Wendy: This is our one and only downsizing... we've been here for 30ish years and I've filled every nook and cranny with my stuff.

We purchased a SMALL (660 sq ft) cabin early this spring and I've realized that LESS REALLY IS MORE. I feel so different in the cabin even with its small size -- thus our move to a condo now.

I agree (husband is still being convinced) that making the move now, while we physically can, and mentally can make our own decisions on what we want to keep is IMPORTANT. I don't want someone else making that decision for me.

It's all good. Happy Moving!

by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

We are also considering downsizing from our long-time home to a condo. We also want mostly new furniture.

Downsizing is not easy... but the long-term possibilities are what move me forward.

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