Early Retirement
by Paul
(Baltimore, MD)
I was able to take a disibility retirement after 20 years of service with State Government after going into CHF. I was single and 50 years old when this happened.
What I originally thought was a deep depression turned out to be a physical problem. After being in the hospital, I began to recuperate.
I have not been worked since Aug 2012. Fortunately with me, things worked out to where I only ended up losing a couple of hundred dollars a month compared to my working salary.
For the first two years, getting better was the priority, so I decided to spend time working on projects around the house at my own pace. This kept me occupied gave time to think about where I would like to go next. At this time I still haven't figured that out, so I decided to return to my therapist to guide me.
I was worried that I would begin to slip into a depression over anxiety on how to keep busy. I now spend time getting outside with a focus on health.
I am not at all sorry I left where I was, I honestly wasn't sure if I could have made it to a normal retirement age baring any health issues.
One thing I have done is to give myself days to relax. I also do my best to turn off the TV at 10 AM so that I don't turn into a couch potato.