Retirees totally need to seek out foods that increase our energy! Every little bit helps, right?
As we age, we just naturally get tired more easily... and we need to watch what we eat. Fatigue hits us physically AND emotionally, plus it weakens our immune systems.
Instead of yet another cuppa coffee or sugary treats, let's try something healthy!
I am backing off of sugar, just a bit. I'm bad with cookies, chocolate, etc. It's that quick sugar high, then I crash... nap time! I'm trying to eat some protein (like a hunk of cheese) when I crave sweets!
If I allow myself some dark chocolate, I hope to stop sugar binges later. Nibbling on a square or two of dark chocolate makes me so happy -- and it energizes me with iron and magnesium. It MUST be Dark Chocolate (cacao) to be healthy -- and 70 percent! Dark Chocolate contains the natural stimulant theobromine, like caffeine, which boosts your energy and your mood. Woo Hoo!
Eggs are a great source of iron and protein. They are naturally rich in B-vitamins which convert food into energy. Eggs give you a sustainable hit of energy which will last throughout the whole day.
Keep a few hard-boiled eggs on hand, or make some deviled eggs (yummm!)
Almonds, cashews and hazelnuts are all high in magnesium, which converts sugar into energy. They also provide fiber to keep your blood sugar levels even. You Need Nuts!
Drink your OJ, Retirees! Vitamin C helps produce carnitine, that helps your body burn fat for energy. Prevention magazine says that Carol Johnston, PhD, at Arizona State University in Temp, believes that 1 of 3 women don't get enough Vitamin C. BURN THAT FAT!
200 - 300 mg daily is enough for you to feel more energy, which is one 8-ounce glass of orange juice a day) but also have a diet high in C-rich foods. If not, one supplement (500 mg) does the trick.
Lemon Water too! Adding lemon to your water makes a natural energy drink packed with electrolytes for cells to produce energy. Hydration in is key for a mood boost and a little extra energy!
Disclaimer: This is the end of Wendy-favorites... but I will tell you about a few other foods I don't do, much. GRIN!
Bananas are one of the world’s best foods for energy. Full of potassium and B vitamins, providing sustained energy. The vitamins and carbs in bananas make you feel full longer too... great for dieters. They keep blood sugar levels stable, like the nuts do.
Wendy's Two Cents: Uggg, bananas.
Salmon has energy-boosting goodness with omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for energy production, brain activity and circulation. It’s also great fr maintaining heart health!
Wendy's Two Cents #2: Uggg. I am allergic to all fish. It's a life threatening allergy, and I should carry an epi-pen. I haven't had a reaction in years, but just a few years ago allergists confirmed it's still life threatening.
I just decided -- end of post. WHY write about foods I don't even eat?
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