Forced Out?
by Debra O
I am going to be 64 in a few months and the company that I have worked for 20 years went through a major change and I am one of a handful of management people from the old group.
My job is complex and involves a partnership between Labor and Management and I train both sides on skills and policy. If a person does not like the message (which I do not write the curriculum it is written by our National office) they will complain without any specific facts as to what the problem is and basically they do not like the message and do not want to follow the process. Class evals average no less than 4.75 out of 5 and I get requests to teach both Labor and Management classes for Departmental Groups all the time. Senior Leads received a complaint that has no basis, no investigation, but my Director interviewed several people who support that no wrong doing took place. This was one person out of 45 in a class.
My Director is expecting her first child in April, she went into early labor and was hospitalized during the same time that my daughter died and I was on bereavement leave and she had scheduled a meeting with the Vice President of HR and her boss in an attempt to educate on why these types of complaints happen but was not able to attend the meeting because she was in the hospital.
Today I met with my Director and she stated that her boss was told by the VP that I was to be given discipline. I am at a loss and so is my Director. She is going to be on maternity leave for 6 months and in her absence, I will be reporting to her boss who has not been supportive. So I am trying to plan - feeling like it has to do with my age and that I am part of the old guard and see the writing on the wall.
I am feeling very lost right now and do not know what to do.