From 66 onward

by Frieda A. Jackson
(Bakersfield, Ca. 93305)

As many women of my generation, I waited until my children (2 girls) were in high school
Until I began to work full-time as high school librarian and German teacher.

I enjoyed my job and had no intention to retire at 65 and my school district had no rules regarding retirement age. Just before I turned 65 the big C hit😕 I had major surgery, but didn't need chemo or radiation, yea. Took 2 months sick leave and was back in the saddle in no time. And then 8 months later, the devastating news, surgery didn't get it all and now I suddenly needed chemo and radiation; this was no picnic yet still I managed to work through most of it.

When summer vacation came around, I was a basket case and knew I had to put in my resignation.

Several months later I started feeling more like my old self (I a toughie) and decided to substitute teach and this is my 12th year. I'm happy and healthy😀

My motto: Don't ever give up, life is good, keep jumping hurdles.

Comments for From 66 onward

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by: Goldie

Your post is one of courage and strength.
Thank you.

From 66 onward
by: Ade

Well done Frieda I admire you. All the best for the future. God bless you and your family

by: Betty Ontario Canada

So good to read your story. You have so much courage and amazing drive. Your story encourages us all to never give up. Thanks for writing, would love to hear more.

Jumping Hurdles
by: Joe W.

It's great to hear that your overcoming the obstacles that life brings us sometimes. I think that you are a good example of a senior that doesn't take anything lying down. It's a mindset that more seniors need to learn. It's especially important in the area of Health & Wellnes.

Joe W.

From 66 onward
by: Janet

Hello Frieda,

First of all I would like to wish you a Happy, Blessed, and Healthy New Year! As I was reading your story I was inspired by your strength and courage. You have the drive and the desire to keep on pushing in a difficult situation. May you continue to be healthy and enjoy your employment.

Wishing you and your family the best!

by: Elna

Dear Frieda:

Thanks for sharing your situation and if you feel inclined, keep us updated on your life as it progresses.

Also, my own experience with those who have been in your situation, it can be very important to write down or tell others exactly your feelings about anything. Keep nothing bottled up. Even consider talking to a counselor.

By doing this it can help give you the peace which is what your body would love right now.

Many blessings, Elna

good for you
by: Rose Raintree Arlington Wa.

So glad you are a fighter it will pay off in the long run, congratulations

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