From 66 onward
by Frieda A. Jackson
(Bakersfield, Ca. 93305)
As many women of my generation, I waited until my children (2 girls) were in high school
Until I began to work full-time as high school librarian and German teacher.
I enjoyed my job and had no intention to retire at 65 and my school district had no rules regarding retirement age. Just before I turned 65 the big C hit😕 I had major surgery, but didn't need chemo or radiation, yea. Took 2 months sick leave and was back in the saddle in no time. And then 8 months later, the devastating news, surgery didn't get it all and now I suddenly needed chemo and radiation; this was no picnic yet still I managed to work through most of it.
When summer vacation came around, I was a basket case and knew I had to put in my resignation.
Several months later I started feeling more like my old self (I a toughie) and decided to substitute teach and this is my 12th year. I'm happy and healthy😀
My motto: Don't ever give up, life is good, keep jumping hurdles.