Garage Sales... Bargains, Bargains!
by Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach
Who loves Garage Sales as I do?
I just visited garage sales at Mom's Sub--too much fun. Geesh! I love bargains! :)
I bought two Martha Stewart outdoor swivel chairs and a ceramic topped table for only $30 ($279 online for the chairs alone) -- wow! AND better yet, they fit my deck perfectly!
Same garage sale, two doors over; I found two green/white outdoor rugs for the deck; they are big and in a bold leaf pattern, for only $10 each!
So Happy! Now, it's not that I couldn't afford them, mind you, it's the hunt and the bargains that do it for me!
There were a lot of cars pulling into the sub as I left at 10 am! Fun Times!
Terry is waiting for the last of four baby robins to leave the nest on our deck -- and we never knew robins recycled nests, but this particular nest has been used three years in a row, each mama robin adding new nesting materials on top of the old. Terry put a board over the nest, so it has a roof :) so the babies are kept relatively dry! No wonder someone uses it each year!
So, after they all leave the nest, Terry will restain the deck, put the rugs down, my new table and chairs, and we will enjoy a glass of wine out there!