Good things happening in life (decluttering)

by Joy

This year I have been working hard on keeping my immediate thoughts to myself and find ways to meet in the middle with my husband of 52 years.

We are really trying hard to declutter in a peaceful way. I want to get rid of everything and he wants to keep everything. Meeting in the middle and listening to each other we are making headway.

A step in the right direction... one step at a time!

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by: Franklin

We have spent our lives acquiring stuff.

I watched as I had to clean out my mom’s home in one week and put her in a home. A lifetime of memories given away in haste. Some stuff parceled out between the kids but most of it had to go due to time constraints.

Here I am, years later, retired and loaded with stuff. My Spouse is an organized hoarder. Stuff is precious and good. But I look at the heartache it leaves when the kids are tasked with its disposal.

I have vowed to get rid of the stuff we don’t need (most of it) inch by inch and live more simply. I’m starting with my stuff. In time, I hope hubby will follow suit.

Wendy: TRUTH. The next generations don't collect "stuff" like we did, they really don't want it. Do yourself a favor and simplify life with a clean slate... feels so good!

Compromise is Good!
by: Wendy

Oh Joy!

You hit the jackpot here!

You are both Listening -- what a gift you've given each other.

Do you know that is a huge KEY to your "good things happening"? It certainly is.

Both parties want to be heard... compromise will keep your marriage alive in all areas. Kudos to both of you!

Declutter Away!

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