Grumpy Old Husband

by Patti

I googled this issue and found this site. I guess this is where the term "grumpy old man" comes from.

He used to smile when I came home from shopping and tease me, saying "I see you bought some stuff" with the bags I would bring in.

It was really the only form of affection I was getting from him and now that’s gone. He doesn’t even look at me. Or he says "mmhmm" before I’ve even finished what I’m saying.

And then I ask him about it and he says "We’re fine. I’m fine".

Isn’t this a sign of dementia? I hope not.

Comments for Grumpy Old Husband

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by: Jim

There are other possibilities. It could be he is becoming overly self preocupied or is under stress or anxiety.

"Well, I'm not fine...."
by: MICHAEL - Venice, Florida for the winter!

I've noticed the same thing.

As couples live together for long periods of time, there is the trap of becoming more like roommates.

"We're fine. I'm fine" could be responded to by saying "well, I'm not fine, can we have a conversation about it?"

Grumpy Old Husband
by: Sherry/ NC

It is sad he can't give you the attention you deserve!

Women love attention. I understand. It sounds
as though he doesn't feel he needs to give you
as much attention as he used to.

I don't know about dementia? My Uncle had it, but he continue to love and care for my Aunt, his wife. He died from this disease. It is awful.

I wish you good luck just keep on loving him,
because you really don't know what is going on?
Please try and ask him so that you can understand.

Merry Christams

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