How To Retire
(from someone's who has been there...)

by Daniel

It is always hard when you have to leave anything that you have been a part of for a long time.

When you have worked for an employer for a long time you develop the same relationship you would have with family. When you leave it feels like you have left your family.

Some people spend more time with their "work family" than they do with their own family.

Sometimes this will lead to depression.

When I left my job I knew this was a possibility so before I quit I carefully planned some activities that would take up time during the day that I usually work.

I knew from my friends that had retired that it was the structure that they missed. Creating activities for yourself during the "work" hours can help you through this time. You have to create something for you to look forward to. That is what I did and it help a lot.

Also having a monthly lunch with some of your coworkers will help still keep you involved in the business and help you stay connected with your work friends. Look at it as a free therapy session.

You have the ability to control this situation and make it a positive rather than a negative.

Always hard to close a door but if you keep positive and think that the closed door is an opening to another phase in life it can be very exciting.

I recommend that a person seek professional help if they are unable to get up in the morning and function normally.

Comments for How To Retire
(from someone's who has been there...)

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the first post that I actually read
by: Joe Parenti

Joe - I moved your post so that others can comment back to you with their two cents. I hope you don't mind... It's here: workplace stress and retirement.

Please keep the link and go back in a week or two again... I don't have your email address, so I couldn't add it to the page ( hidden) so you'd automatically get notified when someone comments back to you. Sorry!

Thanks, Daniel
by: jax

I just retired on 2/1/11, and because my retirement was completely voluntary, I truly did not expect to feel anxious or depressed. (I think perhaps some of these feelings have been caused by the fact that I was housebound by severe weather the first week, which led to illness the 2nd week from which I'm now recovering more slowly than I'd like.)

I appreciate your advice about hobbies and keeping in touch with my old co-workers.

Reading this back, I sound whiny and not like my usual self... a day at a time, I guess, right?

Thanks again.

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