we are!

by Ricardo
(U.S.A. )

......Well,well, here we are, finally settled into our new house that I never thought would actually happen!

As I sit here with a fire going in the fire place, and look around at all that we have achieved since our "move in" yesterday, I am amazed that we are even still standing, yet alive!

There still is much to do as far as "settling in" in this restricted age community, but I believe it was a good decision. Thanks to our daughter and her expertise in interior design, and my son-in-law and his "technical" skills, things have been MUCH easier on my mate and I.

We only have one child ....rather, one adult, and her wonderful husband, but during this stressful time, they have been a true blessing! This is a shout out to our "host" on this site, Wendy......hey, we made it!!!!!

I would not wish what we have gone through on my worst enemy......but, it is over. I kept telling myself that "this to shall pass", as I have said to myself many times over the years during stressful times.....and it has, none to soon....for now, time for some vino, and finally a bit of


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