I am Lost.

I retired from a high level state government job about two years ago. Unfortunately, I retired from something, not to something.

I am not a hobby person, nor does volunteering interest me.

I have since taken a new full-time job, but I am one of the minions--very boring. I am basically getting dressed in business attire each morning to spend 40 hours per week being bored. This has thrown off my exercise routine that I had for decades and I get no enjoyment on the job. Yes, my career job was my identity and now I am a not important person.

For those of you who are enjoying retirement--any suggestions???

I am bored, unhappy, and miss my old job.

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Still Lost and Unhappy
by: East Coast

As I posted a number of weeks ago, I retired from a high level state government job about 2 1/2 years ago. Unfortunately, I retired from something, not to something--big mistake!

I am not a hobby person, nor does volunteering interest me.

At the one year mark I took a new full-time job, but I am one of the minions--very boring. I am basically getting dressed in business attire each morning to spend 40 hours per week being bored. I hate when the weekend ends and dread Monday through Friday. I get no enjoyment on the job. Yes, my career job was my identity and now I am a not important person.

For those of you who are enjoying retirement--any suggestions??? I am still lost and very, very unhappy. I want to quit the new job, but then what do I do.

I am bored, unhappy, and miss my old job and there is no possibility of getting that job back.

Wendy: How about working online? Build a business, attend conferences with other entrepreneurs, work when you want to, don't when you aren't in the mood -- no set hours, no suit. Just fun challenges!

by: Diana, California

Dear "I am Lost"

You mentioned several things you do not like and only one thing you miss--your exercise routine. Maybe you could find a job at a gym or health club leading people in age appropriate exercise classes. Or get a group of friends or associates interested in some kind of activity, like walking, swimming, or biking, on a regular basis.

by: Anonymous

Hi LOST, I totally understand ~ LOST is the perfect word.

My sister joined a card group and also a Saturday night game night. Would that help? I live too far from all my old friends so I am lost also. Life could be worse though ~ we could be really sick and so handicapped that we could not even walk to the back yard to watch the birds build houses and look at all the pretty flowers this time of year.

I feel LOSt but Blessed. I am more thankful than sad and I always have to remind myself of all my constant blessings. That is the only way to get through some days ahead.

Good Luck.

What to do
by: Anonymous

See if your old job will take you back as a consultant or part-time contractor.

I understand
by: Nancy

I understand what you said about not being an important person. My job was my identity. And still after 4.5 years, I am still kind of lost. The only consolation is that I really don't feel well enough to work and when I start longing for that work world where I had a job title, I remind myself of that fact.

I have come to terms with the fact that I am just not one of those who revel in retirement, and I now accept the fact that this is my life now. I have come to acceptance, and am really grateful for the wonderful life my husband and I have now in our golden years.

Side job
by: Anonymous

Can you get your old job back? Or start a side business of some type, perhaps as a consultant using your previous job skills. Checkout thumbtack.com for getting side jobs. I worked a dull job for years and freelanced on the side.

It takes awhile to get a new identity when retired. Get a life coach to help get new goals and discover what you want. Also I got depressed a couple of months into retirement but got help.

You are not lost
by: Elna Nugent, Lenox, MA

Dear I am lost:

It may take some time, but eventually you will realize that you are far, far, far-- infinitely far more-- than your govt job and high position and the identity you feel you have lost.

This is one of the lessons of retirement. It may be a painful transition that we all go through, but it is worth it to know. We are not our jobs, but they are ways in which we develop skills, experience, knowledge, mental muscle and lessons- all of which can be applied to your life now.

This period is like getting an advanced degree or certification in life. You are being tested as you have never been tested before.

You may feel emotionally naked or bankrupt. What does that tell you? You don't need a big job to know that you are here for a reason, that you have developed some important disciplines, but what really matters is not how the world respects you , but how you respect you. Then the rest follows.

I am lost reply
by: Jessie

Time is the answer. Give yourself time to adjust. It's possible you are discontented with your life in general.

Does having time on your hands scare you? Why did you give up the one thing you enjoyed....exercising. If you can't fit that into your schedule then you are getting your priorities wrong.

Retirement can be so much fun, hunt around for an interest that suits you, even if it starts with half an hour in the garden or take yourself to see a movie.

Only work on one day at a time or a week, don't think twenty years.

Good luck.

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