by Karyl Pope
(Dundas Ontario Canada)
If I had realized that I had less time than I thought, and had taken steps to increase my social network while I was still active and feeling well, that would have helped me a lot.
I didn't even take time to get to know my new neighbors (had moved to a new town after 50 years in the last one, 4 years before I retired). There are many groups that interest me but I have not found the energy to join them.
Wendy: You're getting there, day by day... I don't have friends locally as I was too busy working at work and again at home on my websites. Now I make plans for lunch with former co-workers and retirees -- I make lunch plans ON PURPOSE to force myself out and about.. and oddly enough, I enjoy myself too! Give yourself time to "grieve" the loss of your old self, your job, and then you'll move on to something else that's also rewarding in life. Best Wishes!
Comments for I see in retrospect that retirement takes preparation