by Brother Boniface
When I was still living in Schuyler, Nebraska I gave at least once a year a program to elderly ladies on some spiritual reading or insights. These were ladies in their upper 60`s I would say.
At one time I had read a book by Ladislaus Boros, the title I find on the internet is Mysterium Mortis - The Mystery of Death. He has a very interesting theory which he explains in this book and which was very new and also astounding to me and the ladies when we talked about this book. Boros claims that none of us know God, have ever seen him, talked to him in person and know precious little about him unless what is revealed in Scripture.
Boros says only when we have died, when we stand face to face with the Almighty will we be able to make a final decision on whether we love God or not. That was at the time, the book appeared first in 1993, quite a revelation to many Christians and others alike. He says we may want to love God, may want to do his will and be sons and daughters of God. But can we make a final commitment unless we KNOW and have seen God?
Christians make it a special point to remember the dear departed loved ones during the month of November in a special way. Of course, we remember our dead all year round, but then how often do we forget to pray for mother or father, sister or brother?
And at times we worry if our loved ones have "passed the test". Not to worry says Ladislaus Boros we all have one final chance. Perhaps that gives us, the living, some hope to keep on our efforts to reach the "Pearly Gates" and to look forward to our first face to face meeting with the Almighty.
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