Is this it?
by Snow
I always said I wanted to retire at 50. Well at 51 I finally pulled the plug. Now at 61 I've done nothing but struggle in retirement. Not for money, I have an great package. Rather, emotionally.
I've had numerous jobs to try and fill the void, but ultimately when any drama starts I just move on. A perk of not having to work.
I just don't want to do anything. I've lost interest in all I used to love. I thought of hunting, fishing, backpacking. For the first year, it was great, but then it was no longer special or fun.
Also no one else was retired so it was usually a solo adventure. I'm retired law enforcement so I have that stay away nature about me, that doesn't help. Knowing what I know now I would have never left my career.
Think long and hard before you pull the plug.
The grass isn't always greener.