it helps to prepare
by Jim
(Westfield , NY)
I retired about 4 months ago. I had worked 38 years in State Correctional Facilities. For the most part I liked the work but it was stressful. It was also stressful leaving State employment.
A retirement can feel like a loss of relevance, a loss of prestige and to some degree for me, a loss of friends. But I did a lot of reading, thinking and in some ways I was prepared for it.
It is never easy to retire after so many years but I can honestly say it was the best thing for me to do. I feel that I am blessed.
One book I found helpful is called , "The Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership " by H. Nouwen. It is an easy read and of all the books I read this one helped me the most.
I do like reading and one of the benefits to retiring is that I get to read more.
Wendy, Your web site and weekly emails are also helpful. Thank you. Jim