It is my birthday everyday. I am blessed!

by Thomas Darling
(Allagator, MS)

I remember well thinking I am 54 and I will be 55 in a year. The time goes by fast. Especially if you have interest and dreams to work on.

I am 66 now. I like to remember to do something towards my future health each day.

When I was 54 I was not yet retired but played a lot of pool at the senior center in Denver. I moved to the south also because the cost of living was low and where I am I built a home without any interference.

I used to like to check out new computer programs but I have more than I will ever use.

I thought of a way to make clean green energy about 20 years ago. A friend said I need to patent it before I pass and the idea is lost. I worked three years on learning how to patent something and doing it. I just got the patent.

This patent could provide clean water to 3rd world countries ( through condensation maybe thousands of gallons a year). It does not take energy to make energy.

I am not talking of the impossible perpetual energy machine. This will provide steam for power plants instead of cool and nuclear power.

I want to slow time down and have, so I will promote this only in my spare time I want something to do. My dog, friends and family come first.

I planted a good seed. It will grow.

Undeveloped land can be developed. Plenty of heat for cold, cold climate.

A fish factory could have all the heat, cold, electricity, boiler for steam and cooking, compressed air for tools and machinery and this factory could be out in the middle of the ocean.

A ship would never have to stop for any type of fuel.

This is a good time ti not say I have nothing to do,

Find a dream a desire and work towards it. Time will pass is what I am saying. Don't think about what you don't have.

I worked my way up to making hundreds of dollars a day and some days over a thousand on Ebay. I gave the business to my kids.

One graduated frm Oxford, two others are still working on their schooling and one of those is married with 4 children. One can be trailer trash today but keep working in that trailer and one day you can be....

As bad as the U.S. is ran it still has a few more good years in her.

BE FREE, remember one most always has to do without to get ahead.

Comments for It is my birthday everyday. I am blessed!

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Thank You for your wonderful comments.
by: Tom

The Broncos won their last game and they play Kansas City next. I feel like it is my birthday.

I am afraid often while doing something so new as writing a patent. I am blessed I can work through it. I am truly happy when I got the patent.

It may be another year before I see the first customer using it.

If nothing else my children's children can look up my name in the USPTO and see something I accomplished. A bit of their heritage a free people going after their dreams in a free country.

it is my birthday
by: SP lama from Darjeeling

"Forget yourself for others, others will never forget you"

Clean Green Energy
by: Joe W.


Hi! I see that you have been working on your 'clean green energy' patent and ideas for a long time. Congrats for sticking it out for so many years. I'm assuming that you have been working alone on developing your new product ideas.

In my research for my book titled, 'Encore! Encore! Seniors (50 Plus) As Entrepreneurs: Their Time Has Come' which is available now on there were some cases where seniors had great practical ideas but didn't have the right mentor or coach to take the new product idea to the right marketplace. In one situation the older inventor died and there was no interest from anyone to take his project on to a higher level. There are other seniors that are satisfied after obtaining a patent for their new product idea and don't want to keep working on getting the product to the marketing place, which is a much different kind of work.

I wish that more Seniors 50 Plus would spend some quality time to see if they could produce or market a new product or service. There is nothing more exhilarating then writing and self-publishing a new book; or in your case, turning an impossibility to a possibility and finally getting a registered patent for your 'clean green energy' product idea. Wow!

Still, I hope that you can keep going but maybe get some outside help on how to position your invention in the right way that would benefit society.

Joe W.

Talk about active!
by: Anonymous

I congratulate you, your mind is so active and creative. Good luck with your ideas.

Thank you,
by: Tom

Thank you, Wendy. Happy Thanks Giving

WOW.. what a life!
by: Wendy

Kudos to you!

It sounds like you know exactly what retirement is and should be -- full of dreams and fulfillment, and yet, family and friends and fun!

Sending prayers that your patent takes off and helps the world that surrounds us!

Thanks for posting!

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