Lack of Senior Housing
by Geneva
(Buffalo, MN)
Our town has very little senior housing and most of it is rental so it's difficult for seniors to buy a home.
It was sheer luck that we found this condo and the people who owned it liked us and wanted us to live here. We were also in a position to buy the condo before the house was sold or it would have been gone. It is in a secure building and the people are all very friendly.
A coffee party was held for us before we moved in so we could meet people. We also have underground parking which is almost a necessity in a Minnesota winter.
We are right downtown so we can walk to many places; beauty shop, senior center, post office, drug store, and many other places.
We think we will be very happy here. Geneva
Wendy: WOW... sounds like the perfect senior condos! Kudos to you for finding them!