Law Enforcement Retirement: No second guessing
by Michael/ Washington DC
I retired from a major law enforcement agency at the age of 47. I was an up and coming star and was high on the rank structure after 25 years. I left with a pension of around 76k. If I had stayed 3 more years, with personnel changes that too place after i retired, my pension would be around 116k. That’s a huge difference.
I have some regrets but overall, none of us are guaranteed tomorrow.
We measure success and happiness by our bank accounts. Take a missions trip and see what "poor" really is. See what happiness really is. Clean water; a place to sleep, one meal a day. People live like that and are happier than we are.
Keep moving forward and realize your purpose on this earth is not to serve yourself, but to help others.
Get help if depressed, start over somewhere in the workforce and be the old salty guy or gal but mentor younger people and find happiness in that.