Life after a lay off
by Deborah
(North Carolina)
My story is like many people my age. I was let go when the company I worked for for over 20 years was sold.
At 61 I had hoped to work a few more years. I had always been praise for my hard work and ideas to make money for the company. I managed a large group of professionals and was asked to leave without even saying good bye.
Of course, I went through every emotion possible. I slept a lot at first and felt like my life was pretty much over. I went to therapy. Although I was concerned about the money, it did help to talk to someone. I only went a few times. Enough to learn all humans go through the same emotions. Anxiety, depression , and overall loss of energy.
It has been four months now. I am lucky to have a 401K plan and can make it to retirement. After I figured out how to make it on less I felt much better. I knew I would do what ever it took. I could have gotten a room mate to cover bills or a part time job. But I decided to do with less.
I had published a fiction novel a couple of years ago and started writing a sequel. I also made and sold some art. The biggest thing I did was sell my larger house and use the surplus to buy a couple of rental houses. I was divorced and didn't need all the space.
Slowly, the depression and anxiety began to reduce. I am not saying it is all gone, but I am on the new road my life has provided.
Time really does make a difference. Take one day at a time and be creative.
Best Wishes! Deb