Living in our 3 bed ranch
and Staying part-time in Camper

by Suzanna

We were supposed to sell our house and travel in our camper. That has not worked out as the housing market took a dive.

We stay in the camper at times in KY for months but still have the house. We have bills in both places (even staying with relatives) so it gets tough.

Have not missed any payments yet but the juggling act is tough. Just like being married all over again.

Comments for Living in our 3 bed ranch
and Staying part-time in Camper

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by: Marge Sallee

We had a camper on the back of pickup when our family was younger. It was definitely used for vacations and not for living in permanently. I have one friend who lives in an RV in a park in AZ and loves it, but it is her only home and just the right size for a widow. The permanent residents at the park have become her family, and the club house offers plenty of times for pot lucks, etc. especially when the snow birds are there.

As we get older, it is harder to keep up with the three-bedroom house and big yard we have, but we don't see ourselves living anywhere else either. We've been here for about 48 years, and we are blooming where we are planted. So far we can afford what we have, and it is paid for -- thank goodness!

My sister and her husband have a second home in AZ but never have spent much time there. They put it on the market and hope it sells. They plan to sell house and furniture. Their main house in Colorado is too big and harder to care for, so they plan to sell it also. They just hope they get someone to buy one or both of the houses soon.

Good luck.


House vs RV
by: Anonymous

It's really important to get back into your home,rent rooms if you have to.
Your time to roam will come again but it's not now unless you want to let your house go.
If you've equity,wouldn't it be best to let the RV go,not the home?
Think about this seriously and if your income says LET THE HOUSE GO then do it, let go of pride and come down to earth so you can survive!

None of us know how many years we will be here.

An RV life means you don't have the taxes and ins.
costs you have with a home but you don't get the equity you have with the home.

Common sense will guide you.

Put the numbers on paper and get with the program so you can be happy in your later years!

God bless

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