
by Pennie
(Reading Pennsylvania USA)

I am a retired nurse and lost my husband 2 years ago... We were best friends and did everything together.

Have little family far away and few friends. So sad and lonely.

Continue with my hobbies and volunteered at animal shelter to keep busy. Tried dating but at age 72 and its so different and disappointing.

Just want someone to do things with and just talk. Hate the thought of being alone without someone to care about me and vice versa...

Just tired of living alone. What to do?

Comments for Lonliness

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by: Janet / Boston, MA

My condolences for the loss of your husband. I can completely understand your loneliness. You and your husband did everything together. He was your soulmate and friend. I feel the same as I had the sudden loss of my husband.

It seems like Spring and Summer are the worst times. We did everything together. At times I feel lonely.

In summer we would travel to visit family and friends. I try to write in my journals, write poetry, research. I am caring for a sick son of mine now. I feel that my life will never be the same.

My prayers that you find fulfillment and happiness somehow. We have to take one day at a time.

I do enjoy nature, that helps me too.

Old Age
by: Goldie

You are so right. This stage of life is not what I expected....it is lonely without much happiness. Illness/injury and loss of loved ones/friends...
Only the strong survive...


by: Loyce/California

We oftentimes LOSE our Authentic Selves when we subordinate ourselves to jobs/ careers and the momentum fills the VOID we are confronted with when we no longer are working. We must find ourselves and this is often very Painful especially when harboring false notions that retirement will be Golden.

by: Goldie in Florida

You are not alone. Fortunately there is the computer for company...until then just try not to let your situation get you down. One day you might be surprised how things can turn around.
Hold onto hope and comfort knowing we all suffer loss but will one day find peace.

by: Carol

Hi Pennie

I'm kind of late commenting on your post. How are you doing? It's a sad thing to be lonely.

My best guy died 13 years ago and it is like yesterday. However, my two kitties have helped me through. A dog is too much work.

The only friends I have are e-pals. If you go to
https://community.retirement-online.com/ you will find many possible friends.

I'm on there as Carol K. if you would care to get in touch with me.

by: Loyce

My two adopted cats enrich and amuse me and provide me with a care routine since they demand their food and occasionally, affection. I also have birds in an aviary, providing me with a routine and delight. I encourage others to adopt a homeless pet and take satisfaction in homing and loving sweet creatures

by: Loyce

I routinely reach out to my hermit, widowed male neighbor with baked goods and neighborhood news. G responds when I need an occasional favor so we respect each other's outlook as I am an outgoing extrovert.

by: Loyce

I CHOOSE The Community as Family, especially my local Senior Center where I have gained new, caring friends who CARE. When we belong, exchange, participate and socialize we ARE family.

Ideas for ya....
by: Linda/ Iowa


Have you thought of getting a pet yourself? Maybe a small dog, someone you could love, talk to and walk. That would get you out and about. Even in the cold weather, you could walk around the yard.
Or go to a church, mine always have something going on.

The idea here is to enjoy life, I too retired a while ago. But found my trucker husband was having an affair. Why is the wife always the last to know? We are still married but I am so lonely now. No husband hasn't give up on the affair.

Yet my heart went out to you. I wish I could help you more. Maybe you could find someone to visit with every two weeks.

I do that, her name is Jane and she sure helps me find things to enjoy.

I hope you find your spot. Take care!

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