Mindset: I am Astonished at Myself (confidence)
by Natasha
I had it in my mind that when my ex/housemate took a vacation, it would be an opportunity to work on the house with no back-and-forth, and I could polyurethane the floors with no concerns for him waiting somewhere for the floors to dry.
So, I did that. Yay.
Neither of my entry doors locked securely in my 100-year-old historical house. For repair he had taped the lock on. I took the hardware out, sawed and chiseled and screwed on two pieces of wood to fit inside the mortise, and put on the lock and now had wood to screw the lock into. Tape is gone.
I also replaced two deadbolts which had keyholes on each side. This is illegal because it could hinder a quick exit in case of fire. I replaced them with legal deadbolts. Of course one deadbolt I bought was faulty so I had to run around returning stuff after doubting myself and retrying that deadbolt 3 times.
Anyway, my mindset of growing confidence (only gained since retirement) allowed me to do this. Mindset of confidence as well as giving myself permission to ask the hardware storeman, a real locksmith, Google, and a next-door neighbor, for tips.
Did I mention I also bought a metal file and filed the plates a tiny bit, and filled old screw holes with dowels and wood glue?
I am astonished at myself and will continue to build my confidence in my capabilities and permission to ask others for tips.
Wendy: I am so proud of you! So happy you allowed me to post this for all Women out there who think they can't -- when they CAN!