Morning Views

by Irwin Lengel
(Auburndale FL USA)

Gary the Gator

Gary the Gator

Ah, the life of a retiree!

What is it you look forward to every morning when you wake?

For us, it is sitting at a small what we like to call our breakfast table by the window that looks out upon a lake. The room is situated in a room at the back of our house. This is where we share our morning with various critters, birds, turtles, otters, and even sometimes a gator, who I might add we named Gary the Gator.

Our lake has seen the likes of Pelicans, Anhinga’s, Owls, Hawks, and Moorhens to name but a few. As far as critters go, we have squirrels, bunny rabbits, and the occasional cat that apparently decided not to go home when their owner may have left them out to do their duty the evening before. Other wildlife frequenting the lake outside our window are turtles and otters.

It is quite relaxing to watch these critters go about starting their day while having breakfast and a cup of tea. Add to the scenario fishermen in their boats that decide catching fish off the shore right outside our window is a good spot.

We also have the fortune to see seaplanes practice on our lake which while is neat in and of itself, but a little bit scary when they take off from the lake and fly over our house at a height, we think should be a little bit higher than what they consider safe.

When we are fortunate and think about grabbing our camera versus just enjoying the view, we were able to capture some pictures as shown above.

While on some days it is hard to stop enjoying the view and get to going about our “busy day”, living here is fun. Seeing nature like this and the energy the birds and critters that cross our path have, allows us to see that if we but look for it, one can truly enjoy what retirement life can be all about.

Hope that those of you who take the time to read this little post enjoyed it and it is good to be back posting again.

Remember, keep on moving. Until next time.

Comments for Morning Views

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Morning Views
by: Ade from Nigeria

Good to read from you as always Irvin

Wendy's Response
by: Irwin


Thank you for your kind comments and I plan to keep on posting.

Blog posts
by: Irwin


Thanks for your comments.

Morning View
by: Irwin

Thanks Patti for your comments.

You are blessed!
by: Patti

What a blessing! I love your outlook :-)

WOW... Sounds beautiful!
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

WOW, Irwin, I had no idea!

I love to watch simple squirrels and birds in my backyard... one squirrel has recently decided to knock at our back door, wanting his breakfast!

Terry just found a skunk burrow in our old turkey pen! Yikes! And, HOW does he know its a skunk in there, you ask? His shoes now REEK of SKUNK SMELL-- better to stick indoors looking out!

Your animals are very different from ours too! How cool is that!

Hope some other retirees tell us their morning views!

Love it! Thanks Irwin!

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