My Bump in the Road of Cycling
by George Munkachy
(Prattville, Alabama)
Biking, that is, bicycling, (that is, with pedals) has always been something I get great pleasure from starting from way early childhood.
So when I retired last March 31st, I thought "aha!" Now I can really get rolling on a regular basis.
So of course, on the 8th of May, I take a pretty bad fall where my front tire got caught in some loose railroad crossing timber.
Shattered my left elbow. Not just fractured... shattered. The ortho surgeon said there was a chance he would have to do an elbow replacement, but thank God, he saved my elbow three plates and 11 screws later. The dude is a genius.
As I write this, with some difficulty but getting better on the left hand, I am pending my physical therapy appointment. Range of motion is the main thing at this point, once again I will thank God my skin healed without complication.
Moral of the story?
Do what you love; revisit those activities you loved as a child. Do it.
I am going to ride again. This is what drives me at this point, to get in the saddle.
Find what drives you and do it!