My husband is driving me crazy after he retired

by Deb
(Wyoming )

My husband retired at 62, he had worked at the same job for 42 years. I was happy for him to get out of there, but he is now driving me crazy at home.

Yesterday he told me how to fill the dishwasher, Evan tho I have done it for 40 years. He puts around the house and is always telling me what I should do.

I wish he would never had retired. I still work but hate coming home to hear about his boring day.

We have been married for 42 years, and I am ready to split up. He hates to travel and does not have many friends to go do things with.

What can I do, he is a big boy and needs to make his own decisions. If he can't do that I think it's time for us to go our own ways.

Comments for My husband is driving me crazy after he retired

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Not Ashamed
by: Anonymous

Dear OMG (Anonymous),

Nope not ashamed. Feelings and experiences are my own are different. I can’t be sure but you seem to be a man (but I could be wrong and i am fine with that) and your experience is your own and I respect that. Please do not judge and shame the honesty of others here or anywhere.

by: Anonymous

Maybe you now know how the man in your life has felt for 40 years whenever he does anything in the home and you immediately correct him for not doing it 'your way'. You know, how after a hard day at work while you've been at home all day enjoying yourself he's just cleaned the whole kitchen, scrubbed down the cooker and washed all the dishes BEFORE being able to cook you your dinner because you've not done a tap all week and let it pile up into a filthy, disgusting mess. And then after the meal he cleaned it all down again and washed up and then you go in there, tut, and re-'clean' it because he's not done it how you 'do' it. Except on all the evidence, you don't.

"He does nothing" but when he does you complain about it.

"OMG, my 75 year old husband just retired. He's hanging around all the time. He went out for a three hour walk". He's 75 for goodness sake. He's probably got another 3 years to live. He's worked himself into the ground for you so you can sit there moaning because you don't get the house "all to yourself". How selfish are you again? And if he was out for three hours how on earth can he be around you all the time? He went OUT for three hours. What an awful husband he must be!

You should all be very ashamed of yourselves!

Totally agree
by: Karen

My feelings exactly. Mine has only been retired 4 months and I wish he was back at work. He does nothing at all most days spends all his time on his phone. Only helps with cleaning if I start doing it. Asks me every day what I have planned. I just want my own space back and a little privacy and peace now and then. Not too much to ask is it?

Retired husband syndrome
by: Beth

Oh my stars!! ALL of these comments ring true to me-I loved my life of taking/picking up children/taking them to their lessons and/or games. They’re grown and gone so I was thinking I would get to retire. WRONG!!!! My 75 year old husband retired last year. I DO think was /is ready but now he’s home 24/7 and I have NO peace!! He gets up bright and early ,puts on his day old clothes and wants to do or go somewhere EVERY single minute of EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! Unfortunately I’ve come to the point of wishing I’d never see him again! He practices the piano about an hour a day and plays the same stupid songs all the time! He went on a hike today for THREE bloody hours-with my beloved dogs,came home,said he was taking a nap and wanted to know what we’re doing later—I almost wish I’d have a serious
mental breakdown and have to be admitted to a psych ward where nobody really pesters me and I can finally have some PEACE AND QUIET!!!! Of course I can’t leave my puppy’s so that idea is out!🤷😝

by: Anonymous

My husband has retired but he took over my life.
I have always done the housework, cooking cleaning but he as just took over.

I feel so not wanted I just want a life. he reads books a lot and don't talk to me.

I need to get away.

Husbands driving you crazy
by: Anonymous

I really related to the comments on here. My husband retired recently and is doing my head in too. Luckily, I was left a house and my husband is busy doing it up. He moans about it all the time though. The comment about always being on the toilet really made me laugh. Are all blokes like this as they get older?

Been living that dream for 20 years
by: Anonymous

I sympathise.

My husband doesn't tell me what to do, he just trails around after me asking me what he can do to help.

We both retired 20 years ago and he's changed profoundly.

The mistake we made was moving to a completely new place when we retired. We didn't realise how difficult (almost impossible) it is to make new friends as seniors. Most of the people we've met have their own little circle of friends and they look suspiciously at us when we introduce ourselves, as if they think we're there to upset their small applecart.

20 years later, we know hardly anyone and are stuck with each other 24/7. The Covid lockdown years didn't help.

I can't give you advice because only you know how it is, whether you can talk to him about it, and how far you're prepared to go in order to change your personal situation.

All I can do is say, Sorry sister, we either move on alone or suck it up.

There's no lovely magic answer.

Not easy!
by: Sandee

I can relate! It has been 6 years since my husband has retired and I am thinking of the "Together apart" lifestyle. It is a real thing and more common in Europe.

My husband has to be busy from about 5am till 6pm. He makes comments about my lack of activity. Well I hike and kayak volunteer (not as much as he does).

He also constantly reports on all the stuff he has accomplished. He asks me several times a day what I am going to do. If we do something together he obsesses on what time this will occur and I need to be ready (even if there is no time obligation) a half hour early or he gets agitated.

I plan my appointments around his at home times so I am gone and will make sure I am home when he is away. So basically I avoid him which makes me sad but it helps my sanity.

Oh and he always prayers me about my volunteering as in I am not going or doing enough. I believe he suffers from high functioning anxiety and he makes me anxious too.

Drives me nuts
by: Anonymous

I’m going crazy with my retired husband. He never does anything around the condo other than eat and sit on his iPad.

He constantly coughs (out of habit) and has NO interests in anything other than watching sports. He’s ALWAYS around.

I’m so tired of going out alone just to be away from him. I love him, but he’s aging me!

hate it more than ever
by: suzy

I have never been this unhappy. I have a great husband but he traveled for a living. home 24/7 now. cannot stand it.

I can’t stand my husband being home
by: Anonymous

Ever since my husband retired at 67, he’s been nothing but lazy and boring!

He has type 2 diabetes and his doctor told him he has to lose weight and watch what he eats and exercise.

All he does all day is worry about feeding his fat face and watches TV for more than ten hours everyday. He loads up on too much sugar and eats whatever he likes. Sad to say but I don’t think he’s going to live very long.

I’m angered that he doesn’t help me around the house. I feel frustrated and I hate living with him.

I hate the fact that he doesn’t worry about his heart and that he should get on the ball and exercise.

He’s driving my crazy and I hate him being home all of the time.

He is driving me crazy
by: Anonymous

He retired 4 years ago and has been driving me crazy since. He has nothing to do...he won't get a hobby or get's what he did this morning.

I went to get ice from the ice dispenser and there was none. He said to me, "oh, I emptied the ice dispenser because I thought the ice would fuse together." What???????????????????

I need ice...You see..he has nothing to do so he thinks and over thinks and anaylizes everything he sees..then makes a stupid decision.
I don't know what to do.

Wendy: I toss the old ice all the time. Maybe I am weird, but ours does fuse together. It won't come out. So I do this routinely... Personally, I would be happy if my husband did this job. :) Just a different perspective.

Hate my spouse..after retiring
by: Pegring

My marriage is sick ,I just hang in there till one of us DIES...

My husband is driving me crazy after he retired
by: Liz

I know what you mean! Thanks for sharing.

I still work and my husband retired a few months ago. He is a good man but he constantly chatters and asks me about dinner and what he should buy and cook!!

I love him but I'm used to having my alone time since he traveled most weeks for business for over 30 years!

I know it's an adjustment but now I'm looking for hobbies outside the house for my sanity! That's seems like the only thing to do for now.

Hope you find your peace too.

by: suzette

cant stand him home anymore. and i am fortunate as he is a good man! simply cannot get use to this. i hate it.

i cant adjust at all
by: susette

moved to a simpler life. i have a great husband however, he travelled for a living. was gone maybe two or three nights a week, or so.

now? here 24/7. i cannot take it. i really cannot so i have a part time job. i love him he is a good man but he needs to get out of here.

42 years & dishwasher
by: Carrie

My husband is retired after 42 years. He was a third shifter for 42 years. So I became a custom although I never really care for it to basically my husband being in bed at 2 in the afternoon and he work the weekends so I raised three children wanting out of disability essentially by myself.

My husband is a good man and he was around when he could be. He has attention deficit disorder and it was just diagnosed two years ago so that was one of the reasons he preferred to work third shift because he was around most people. I endured it because I love him and he had a strong work ethic.

What we have done is the following, we talked about it for a good two months before his retirement and we've literally almost drawn up a contract of agreement. That agreement is what allowances I am going to give him an understanding this life change and what allowances he is going to give me because I'm also involved in that life change.

Example he is a hobbyist and he likes the Thinker at his attention deficit disorder to that and an idea will come to his head and he'll just jump up and start Ping Pong around.

Well I have always admired his mr. Fix-It and creative tinkering ideas and tell him so I also have a problem with noise I need wind down time due to fibromyalgia.

It's our agreement is after 5 p.m. in the evening he is going to resist that urge to be ping pong around and find activities until bedtime that are quiet like going to his man's face and playing video games or listening to his podcast.

One of the allowances I am making for him is to understand that after that many years I'm sleeping in a pattern that's different from mine that I did not expect that to change overnight.

Want to come specifically to the dishwasher issue and you and your husband I completely understand.

Sitting down and respectfully talk to him try to come to some agreement and maybe one of the things you could do is just a let him start loading the dishwasher. That would give you free time for something like say a bubble bath.

I think one of the things that happens to people when they retire is a lack of scheduling and for men in particular I think the filling of this is what I do with my day that I'm needed to do.

So he might very well welcome the conversation of a schedule allow him the respect of having input into that schedule.

My husband is always wanted to be a ham radio operator so last week I spent hours finding a place where he could test and r general area and encouraging him to sign up which he has done and I even found him a club to join!

So good luck I can only hope that you were just venting or here expression of and then 42 years of marriage that was for the most part good.

Don't Panic communicate with each other and if he loves you and you love him you will find a way to work it out.

for better or worse?
by: Diane Port Alberni

We must of had too much better and now getting some of the worse. Things are getting better, I just need to ask for what I want. Be it peace or help around the house. Don't forget what drew you both together and the glue that made for a wonderful marriage!

Become a student at RU
by: New Jersey

Yo Guys, if you are planning retirement, here is a suggestion to get your mind in focus. Become a perpetual freshman in Retirement University.

The key words are "perpetual freshman". You don't ever want to be a senior at Retirement U, after all, what is next after that. The curriculum is wide open...just about anything you ever wanted to study is available, it's usually free, but not always.

The good news no fussy professors, term papers, all-night study events, nerves and anxiety. if you don't like the big deal, drop the course and start another..learning is wide grades or GPA to worry about.

Think of it this way, you may just learn something new and exciting.

Can I do anything right?
by: Lisa

I have not been loading the dishwasher correctly for 20 years. Really. Nothing I have done for entire marriage has been right. The love and affection has taken a back seat to anything else.

My retired husband that’s driving me crazy
by: Daisy in New York

I am happy that I found this sight. My long time love of over 30 years is driving me crazy. I agree with many of the posts, I cannot be his best friend.

My husband retired 5 years ago and does what ever he wants during the day. He is 68 and I’m 50.

I come from work tired. Soon as I step in, he starts with all of this play by play of what his friends are saying or doing ( I have no energy for this daily).

If I say give me a minute that’s an argument. I’m really not liking him right now.

Mornings he want to talk while I must get ready for work. NO I can’t. Is all I want to say but I don’t. I smiled and laughed out loud as I have a little peace from him today b/c he’s not talking to me FINALLY.

Thank You to all of you for sharing, I needed this.

On your terms
by: Gina, CA

Each person has a right to live life on their own terms.

Married for one year or 50, there’s still life to live happily! I gave my husband 6 years to adjust to retirement. He gets worse every year!

33 years of a relationship and I am done!

My husband retired
by: Elizabeth White

Hello I been married for the past 20 years ., my husband is 12 years older then me . He retired about 7 years ago, he have a disease called epilepsy and seizures are the same thing.

I know by fact this man he’s always.. dirty , sloppy . Smells bad, his breath stink, his body stink, he don’t like to take shower everyday.

I never bite my tongue to say what I have to say . For the good or bad. Communications is my mayor protocol., now that his 60 years old, his worst then before. Specially after he retired.

He let me be but I’m 48 and I m with him since I was 24 and I’m still repeating the same . I’m not that in love anymore. But what can I do?

My mom used to give me my best advice., now she’ died 3 years ago . And don’t have nobody to talk about my marriage .

Having very tough time with hubby retiring!
by: Diane

I was blaming myself for all this chaos his retirement has caused. Just recently moved to a new home in a new city. All this happened within months of his retiring, plus him getting his first cell phone that never rings! That he can't figure out.

I'm grumpy and he can't figure out why! I liked my working man better, he managed there just fine, was respected and hard working and knew what the heck he was doing.

So glad I'm not alone, realize that after reading other comments.

Why the hell didn't someone warn us about this?

You're not Alone
by: Carolyn/Long Island

Dear Deb,

I understand. My husband, who is 69, has been retired for 7 years.

In the beginning, he was more active. Now he spends a lot of time online (mainly reading news stories) and often doesn't dress or shower until 2 or 3:00 in the afternoon. The only housework he does is the wash.

It's my own fault for not enforcing him to help out with chores earlier in our marriage. It took years of pleading from me before he finally went out to get a volunteer position at a nearby hospital. At least he's out one afternoon a week.

I try to come up with with "errands" for him to do like going to the butcher, grocery shopping, etc. That helps somewhat. I don't have many answers other than manufacture some errands for him to do.

My husband is INCREDIBLY stubborn and getting him to do anything new is like pulling teeth. He doesn't have any friends or hobbies, so I'm his only company, which is stressful.

You are not alone in this predicament. I hope you find a way around this stressful situation and find ways to cope.

by: Anonymous

Men who are not handling retirement well should be in counseling. It is not a wife's job to fill in the emptiness that they are feeling.

After experiencing this with my own DH, I was relieved when he was able to get professional help from another man.

Play in the Stock Market
by: Anonymous

Well, I visited my aunt who is well off and gets a big pension from her deceased husband's years and years of working. Any money she earned in her 12 years of working was hers to do with what she wanted. So she put it in the stock market.

She considered investing as her "work" and still does so at 92. Remember she has all that pension money rolling in.

I, on the other hand never had a job that provided pension benefits but worked for 50 years in jobs. My income is $1200 a month, just enough to get by on. But I love not working.

My aunt says that now, at age 66, I should get a job, and then use that money to "work" in the stock market.

So, since a grocery store is almost completed and will open just across the street, I applied, really for "any" position they have. If I got it, it would be fun to use that money in the stock market.

Maybe your husband would like a little job to use the money for something specific that he would not otherwise get.

by: Louisewt

Not sure if your husband has checked out your local Senior center but maybe he could find something there. Do you have a YMCA nearby?

Was he ever interested in woodworking or some kind of a craft? He could start selling some of the items that you have in your home by selling them on ebay. It would take up quite a bit of his time. I do ebay myself and there is kind of a lot to it. If you don't have stuff, he could go to tag sales/thrift stores and find stuff to sell. He would have to write up his ad for the item and that also involves some investigation to figure worth. Pictures need to be taken and then uploaded to the ad. He has to determine shipping methods or if he will ship it free. It is a lengthy process. He would probably need to set up a Paypal account to accept payments.

Trust me, this is like a full time job if he got into it. Plus, he can make a little money too!

by: Louisewt

Losing or leaving a job a job after a lifetime of work is a huge transition to deal with.

Some people have hobbies, like to volunteer, golf and have activities. Some suffer square peg syndrome and don't fit into anything for a while.

My Dad seemed happy to retire and was for a short while but then became paranoid that he and Mom were going to go broke. She lost her job about a year after he retired.

For a while he made grocery shopping his hobby. He would start out in a town about 12 miles away and buy all the weekly bargains, then go to another store. He probably shopped at 4 different stores. He'd take a cooler for the cold stuff and come home all happy with his treasure trove of bargains. He would make supper every night and have a movie ready to watch while eating dinner. Days of VCR.

He was only retired 2 years and had a very bad stroke and Mom had to take care of him for about 2 years till he passed.

Help your husband transition to this new chapter in life. You may find you are lost when you retire and then maybe he can help you.

I am also retired and have not found my groove yet either. I lost my job (lay off) and have not worked for 6 years. For the longest time I wasn't sure if I was layed off or retired! I started collecting SS last year so I decided I am retired now. I still look at jobs but now to be the lowest man on the totum pole they want a college degree. I don't have one!

by: Anonymous

My husband retired after 47 years of working for the government. Two years later, I wish he never retired.

He is better off working, being useful to the government, and making money. He seems lost. He leaves the lights on, leaves the doors open, is always on the computer reading the news, always on the toilet, watches ridiculous videos on YouTube, and is gaining more weight because of his inactivity.

I wish he never retired.

by: Ade

No, after 42 years how can you think of throwing in the towel? You should rather be thinking of celebrating your golden anniversary. Hang in there, don't quit. A few more years down the line and am sure you'll appreciate the companionship of your husband. All the best

keeps busy
by: donna ky

My hubby has been retired for over 6 years and he uses his time wisely now, he stays busy walking weather permitted, he helps me around the house and has hobbys , but him going to church does help me get MY TIME as were together a lot.

I have to be with him as he's legally blind and walks with a cain but he still does everything that he likes and wants to do . it does not stop him or let it get him down to much, everyone has their off days though. he has good and bad days and we both adjust to it.

by: Burely

During our working years, we constantly heard "plan for your retirement". I planned economically but never thought about the extra personal time I was going to have. I recently retired.

Yes, I question alot of what my retired wife does. In my job I felt needed. In my retirement, I don't feel that I am needed anymore.

The solution? Volunteer!

Honestly, get on a schedule. Go for coffee at the local coffee shop hangout every weekday morning. Stop at the local civic center and see if someone could use your help. Get a hobby and devout some of that extra time to it.

If you divorce now after 42 years, then you were never truly "married". You were just living with a room mate. Marriage is a commitment. Support him. Talk to him. Communicate your concerns and suggest some solutions. Good Luck.

Become a House Husband
by: Anonymous

I retired at 68 after a 45 year career, my wife still works and will retire in another year. While I have various activities to keep me busy, most of these are evening oriented.

So, during the day, other activities need to be planned. Being a house husband isn't all that bad, but I am sure many guys would feel that doing house work is beneath them.

Hey guys we live in the house, we wear clothes, we cook and can make a mess...why not accept the fact that doing a little house maintenance is good for the soul and for the relationship. I cook, help clean, and iron my own shirts if necessary, plus mow the lawn, do other yard work etc. Since I have several evening activities, it is a easier to do these when I know I have not saddled my wife with a day of work and these other tasks.

Now when I do cook, I am the captain of the kitchen, at least for the meal being prepared, so ladies if you want your husband to cook, don't look over his shoulders, don't micro-manage what he is doing, just be thankful he is doing it and besides many of the best chefs of the world are men.

My wife encourages me not to wear dress shirts during the day, so if I do, I do the ironing. It is an incentive in itself to wear polo or tee shirts, particularly during the warmer months just to avoid the ironing.

My wife was shocked when I asked her about cleaning the bathrooms. She was more than willing to walk me through the procedure, so chalk up a few more brownie points (no pun intended) and it makes those evening events even more justifiable.

So, be a house husband and pitch won't hurt you.

Retired husbands
by: Elna Nugent Lenox, MA

Dear Deb,

Millions of women can understand exactly what you are talking about.

When my husband retired and I was working at a museum on four-day weekends, he was definitely not happy alone. So he would travel a half hour up to my daughter's house where she was dealing with three small children and he would go places with her that were difficult for her to go by herself with them.

I'm sure he was helpful and the children loved him, but she called me one day and said, "Mom, how much longer do you thing you will be working at the museum?" Then we both laughed.

She worked as a teacher all week and the weekends were packed. But now she felt she had four children instead of three to take care of on weekends --as well as her own husband. For her sake I decided to leave the museum after eleven years.

You and your husband need a plan. It will require truth telling clothed in kindness. You are going to have to plan times to be by yourself ( and so should he) or else you are going to feel you have a large child who requires you on duty 24 /7. You can also plan fun times, walks, and talks and make sure you make him feel he is a great guy, because he probably is.

Don't throw in the towel
by: Sandy

I read your post and thought "oh no - don't give up on your marriage". This is a time of major transition for your husband. In a way, he is going through the grief cycle and is fighting hard to retain a sense of self. Unfortunately, for you, it sounds like that is hard for you to take which is understandable given your world is changing too.

I have been married for almost 40 years and would be equally frustrated if my husband started to control aspects of my life. But I am wondering if the following suggestions might work.

1. Can you talk with him and tell him about your frustrations and create a plan or "shared language" when he starts being over-controlling such as "yep, got it, hon"

2. Suggest to him to find part time work or volunteer work - and keep on suggesting

3. Make sure you have alone time away from him which will limit your frustrations

4. Go to a marriage counselor and if he won't go, go to a counselor yourself to find coping mechanisms (remember, we are only providing suggestions but are not counselors)

5. Ask him to do things for you while you work that normally you would have done and be comfortable living with his way of doing it

6. Take a deep breathe when he gets in your space and just talk with yourself to remain calm

7. Lastly, communicate, communicate, communicate

You both deserve happiness at this time in life and when you both retire, you'd need to go through this process anyway. It is an adjustment.

By the way, my husband also can be very challenging to be around, so I find "me time" and then when I am with him, I enjoy his company much more. I am sure he thinks the same of me - haha.

Best wishes.

A challenge
by: James

Retirement is chilling, sorry challenging for many.

Especially if you have worked all your life. I and my wife are now home together every day. I try to get out, do gardening etc. to break up the day. Not an ideal situation after working all my life, but we are managing. My wife is also an artist and has her painting to keep her occupied.

Good luck. I understand.

Solving a problem
by: Elna Nugent, Lenox, MAYour Name/Location

Dear Deb:

Your husband is desperate to be seen, heard, and appreciated. It is hard for him to do it for himself because he is lost.

If once or twice a day you can tell him something you really respect in him , or something you like about him or what things he does well, your life might change. (Of course what you say has to be real and true)

I know you need a soft spot to fall when you come home from work and there will be times when you feel you are dealing with a child, but here is one idea. Make a list of what you wish/hope you could get done in a given week. If he can do even one thing on the list and get high praise for it , it can give him incentive.

You can say to him"It is obvious you have good ideas about how the dishwasher needs to be handled. " Would you be willing to take over the management of the dishwasher?.

You may get a shock when one day he actually tells you something he likes about you.

Many blessings.

by: Wendy

Don't split a 42 year marriage over the dishwasher! yikes!

You have many options! You sound totally stressed, over something that sounds so small in the big scheme of retired life. I do wonder if something bigger is going on...

Here are just a few ideas off the top of my head:

-- You might want to retire and both of you can enjoy the world about you. You leave the stress of the job, just like he did. You'll both find things to do, both together and separately, and less boredom and no workplace stress.

-- If you can't retire for some reason, and you are stressed, consider taking a leave. Maybe some time away from the job would help...

-- You could give him specific household jobs. Heck, you are working, let him do the dishwasher work... and put the dishes away for you. Be nice about it, you are working and doing the same household chores you've always done, you'd really appreciate his help.

-- Help him transition gracefully. It's not easy. Seriously -- you haven't been there yet, and you might be the type who walks away and never looks back. BUT -- you also might fall into that anxiety hole when you realize your work identity is gone and you don't know what to do with yourself all day, every day.

-- Suggest a part-time job. He might love getting out with people again, and simply hasn't thought of it. We retire thinking NO MORE WORK, but it's not always a good choice for all of us, esp. at age 62.

I could go on and on... I urge you to consider you options. There are better solutions than separating... IF minor problems are really the issue.

Just think... if you retired at 60, you could have another 20 years of being alone. If you are lucky enough to live longer, like my mother at age 90, you'd be alone for 30 years!

Twenty or Thirty years -- alone -- as a senior... it's not the best of worlds. Just saying,...

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